39. Turning Point

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I chuckled and shook my head as I focused on Harry's spell taking it as it passed through me.

I held my arms out and focused the spell onto Riddle as his face contorted into fear.

"No, you died!"

I scoffed and shook my head, "Well, it sure didn't stick," his eyes widened as I took a step forward, straightening up, "You shouldn't have crossed me."

I added power of my own as the spell turned from red to ice blue, I could feel my eyes as they changed and soon enough the blast flew right at Riddle, knocking him back a few steps back.

The Elder Wand flew from his hand to Harry's as Riddle himself turned to ash. His inaudible scream was loud and soon his ashes disappeared as I turned, letting out a breathy laugh.

Everyone soon gathered in the Great Hall as I reunited with Draco, "You did it!"

"We did it. Everyone did it."

Nodding, his smile then dropped as he lowered his gaze, "My father still wants me to wed soon."

I held my hand to my lips as I stifled a small smile, "I mistakenly took care of the problem. I may have- well- I killed Astoria..."

His eyes widened as he placed his arms on my shoulders, "You- you... never mind, I'm quite alright with that. She was insufferable anyway."

We both let out a laugh as we shared a hug before we connected our lips.

He pulled apart and slipped his hand into his pocket as I turned around as Luna appeared with Pansy, Blaise, and Esmeree, "Oh, I missed you lot!"

I shared a hug with all of them before I saw a giant smile appear on both Pansy and Esmeree's faces.


Saying nothing, Pansy looked over my shoulder before I turned around to see Draco on his knee, "What are you doing?"

"Marry me."

"Draco, I-"

"Scarlett Hope Grindelwald. Marry me."

I met his eyes and everything around me froze, I bit my lip nervously before I shook my head soon breaking into a smile, "Yes. Yes, of course!"

He smiled and quickly stood up as he pulled me into a kiss before slipping the beautiful, diamond ring onto my finger. I looked down at it before I flinched, hearing cheers from all throughout the room.

I turned to see everyone clapping and cheering as I smiled.

Hermione ran up to me and gave me a hug to which I returned it without thinking, and soon it was George and then Ron. I was receiving wishes and hugs from everyone. And soon Harry walked up to me, "I- I'm sorry. I-"

Shaking my head, I cut him off and pulled him into a hug as he hesitantly returned it before I pulled away, "It's okay, I don't deserve anything for all I've done. But now I know that I can live."

And I did, I got to live.

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