~ chapter 3.7 ~

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Once we had piled Raven's unconscious body into the back of the car, Clarke drove us to the location of the wristband. We pulled up in front of what looked to be a small Grounder storefront. The woman in front of it was holding a sword.

"I'll talk to her." Clarke said, stepping out of the car. Bellamy and Octavia followed.

"This doesn't seem very friendly, Clarke." I called from the car.

"I'll handle it. Just stay here." She approached the woman. They were too far for me to hear what they were saying. I looked around at the hut. Trinkets were hanging from the roof and nearby trees and structures. The dim lighting from torches was barely enough to see in the back of the car.

Raven started to stir. "She's waking up," I hit Sinclair's shoulder to get his attention. Luckily, we had her blindfolded and restrained.

"She's waking up, hurry! We have to get her inside!" Sinclair shouted to everyone else. He picked her up and we carried her to the entrance.

"We don't have time for this." Bellamy held his gun to the woman's chest and pushed his way through. We went through the store and into the back of the house.

"Tie her to the bed." Clarke ordered, but Raven had become fully conscious and started to struggle. Clarke tossed me a strip of cloth and I focused on grabbing Raven's right arm and securing it to the headboard.

"Let me go!" She shrieked, and ripped off her blindfold. "Where the hell am I?"

"Hold her!" Sinclair yelled. No shit.

I had the knot tied, but she was stronger than she looked. She'd wriggled her arm out of it and had a free arm to hit with. Before she hit me in the still-hurting nose, I grasped her hand again and pulled it back down. Monty and Sinclair also lost grip of her left arm and she punched Jasper in the face. We'd gotten both of her arms tied, but we still had to keep it that way. I held one of them back against the bed while Clarke and Octavia fumbled with keeping her legs down.

Once we had her all secured, everyone left the room. "Wait," Bellamy said. "We need someone in here to guard her and call us back in if anything happens. Jasper and Cressida, you can do that."

Our one time alone since Mount Weather, but we weren't really alone. Silence. We just sat on opposite ends of the room, looking at each other every now and then. I glanced back up at Raven, because that was actually what we were supposed to be doing. She was struggling to get her left arm out of the knot.

"Hey, don't do that." Jasper said, stepping closer to her. "What're you doing?"

Suddenly, something popped. Her shoulder. She had reached so far over that her right shoulder dislocated itself. But she didn't yell out at all.

She just looked over at us and said, "There is no pain in the City of Light." And reached over to bite off the knot I'd tied.

"Hey, guys?" I shouted into the other room. "Guys!"

Clarke rushed into the room, followed by Bellamy and Sinclair. "Stop her!"

"You two, get that side." Bellamy nodded towards her left arm.

"She's reopened her wounds." Clarke said, examining her wrists. "She's gonna bleed to death, I need bandages!"

Raven's hand was almost fully out of the bond. Jasper grabbed it and pushed it back onto the headboard while I reached around and retied the knot as best as I could.

"Raven, stop fighting us!"

"Alie! Alie!" Jasper shouted at Raven. "I know you can hear this. Why are you doing this to her? Let her go!"

Raven stopped. "I'll let her go when you give me what I want." Her voice was different. Someone else's. "The technology that Clarke carries, it belongs to me."

"No way." Clarke said through gritted teeth.

"Clarke, just give it to her," I said, struggling to keep her arms down.

"If you let Raven die, you'll never get it."

Suddenly, Raven stilled.

"Untie her wrist," Clarke said. "Hold her steady." We did so, and Clarke popped her shoulder back into place.

"Clarke," Bellamy said quietly. "She's never gonna stop trying to get away. We can't let her hurt herself again. Someone has to stay with her."

Clarke nodded. "I'll be first watch. We'll take turns."

"You don't give the orders, Clarke!" Jasper yelled.

I grabbed his arm. "Don't." I whispered. He shook me off.

"Guess he doesn't forgive you for murdering his girlfriend." Raven smirked.

"Jasper, take a break." Bellamy said, trying to play good cop. Jasper walked out of the room, breathing heavily. Bellamy nodded for me to follow him. I restrained from rolling my eyes, and did so.

"Hey." I said from behind him. He was fumbling with handcuffs and trying to unlock them. "She's just trying to save Raven."

"Guess she thinks Raven is worth saving. Lucky  for her."

"Jasper, get yourself together." I went closer and took away the lock pick. "You can't let your anger get in the way of what we have to do." His handcuffs clicked open and I took his hands in mine. He got up to leave. "Please, stay. We need you here. Monty and I need you."

He went outside anyway. I was worried he wouldn't come back, but after a minute or so he reappeared. Shouting came from the other room. I got up to see what was happening, but all I saw was Bellamy dragging Clarke out.

I couldn't watch anything else. I went outside and sat down outside the house. I covered my ears and rocked back and forth for a while. Maybe minutes, maybe an hour. When I finally went back inside, it was just Jasper, Clarke, and Niylah in the main room. I suspected Bellamy was guarding Raven alone. I hurried into the room to help him. Two-man watches usually require two men.

"—and you're already taking orders," Raven was saying. "A good little knight by his queen's side. Too bad you were never that devoted to Gina."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Bellamy was keeping his cool pretty well, considering all the taunting that was happening.

"Gina was already dead when Mount Weather blew up. And you avenged her, right? I mean, you picked up a gun and slaughtered an army that was sent to protect us. That had nothing to do with blowing sweet Gina to bits. But hey, a Grounder's a Grounder, right?"

It was like I was watching in slow motion as Niylah ran in and slapped Bellamy. She had given our location away in seconds. I was sure that the chippies were already on their way.

"Niylah! You can't be in here." Clarke ran in and grabbed Niylah by the shoulders.

"It's too late. Raven has already seen her." Jasper said. "Alie knows we're here."

hey lol i broke my phone and also had a really shitty week at work on top of that so im doing horribly but y'all make my day better please comment when you think stuff it makes me happy to see

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