Experience of Getting caught!

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"So in business terms...what is the lesson learnt??" he asked as he motioned the wheels to action.

"Never visit your committed brother uninformed" she said as a matter of fact.

He looked at her and both of them laughed.

"I just wanted to have fun" she pouted.

"Lets have fun then!" He connected his phone to Bluetooth and instructed "Call Machan!". I bet he would miss this call", Ashwin said as he changed the gears. And as expected the call was left unanswered.

"How do you know??" she asked and when he raised his eyebrows, she replied "Sorry!" she chuckled as she realized what that meant and turned to look outside the window. Why was she even discussing this with him?

"Call Machan!" Ashwin instructed again.

She turned around immediately and asked "Why??"

"Didn't you want to have fun??" he asked and Rakshan picked the call at the same time.

"Solluda! Where are you??"

"Machan..we are on the way. Are you ready or still lazing around??" Ashwin asked.

"Dei...I am already ready and I am waiting for you guys for the past half an hour!"

"Sorry Machan! We will pick you in 10 mins"

"Its ok da...drive slow. Pavi is yet to come..so no worries" Rakshan replied.

Ashwin and Shivani looked at each other. The shock on Shivani's face was very much evident. How could he lie so easily? Indeed he was a lawyer for a reason, she thought!

"Dei Fraudu!" Shivani shouted to the Bluetooth speaker.


"Thangama?? Kutti pisasa?? Iru Periyamma (Rakshan's mother) kitta solren"

There was silence at the other end.

Ashwin laughed "sorry Machan! I told her to call you. Un thangam than kekala! She wanted to surprise you, but ended up getting surprised. Let's meet tomorrow!" and disconnected the call. "He won't sleep tonight!" Ashwin chuckled.

After few moments of laughter, Shivani looked at him.

"So did you have similar experience??"

"what experience??" he asked as he changed gear.

"Experience of getting caught. " she asked her eyes still fixed on the road.

"Unakku Theriyadha??" he asked with a mild blush. His eyes still fixed on the road. She chuckled and changed her attention to the road.

"Rowdy..." he murmured and she smiled at him.



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