The Boardroom Battle!

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He kept tapping on the steering wheel waiting for her. She came out of the temple in a haste and got into the car.

"Pathu ma!" He warned.

"OK ma!" she smiled and offered the temple prasadam to him.

"I don't remember when I last visited temple. My only encounter with God is during my project beginning puja in the sets" he confessed as he took some and applied on his forehead.

"Now you will remember. Your last visit to temple is for a good cause" she smirked.

"No.. To genuinely confess, my last visit to temple is to pray for Rowdy to do well in her meeting today" he said as he pushed the engine to life. She looked at him. Suddenly he sparkled in her eyes. He was chocolate boy for a reason!


Ashwin parked the car in front of the 5 star hotel where today's board meeting was planned. Many luxurious cars were lined one by one. He opened the door and she got down. She looked neat and professional in her business attire.

"You look good. Let me click a picture."

"Vendam ashwiney! I am in no mood for that"

"Let's click a selfie then. For my memory!" he said and focused his front camera. At that moment, he noticed Karthick getting into the frame. He stopped clicking the picture and turned around.

"Hi Karthick!"

"Hi Ashwin. So your boyfriend is here to drop you. Did I spoil your private moment??"

"Not at all." Shivani replied before Ashwin could reply.

Ashwin's mobile rang and it was Sharath. Ashwin disconnected the call and looked at Shivani. "OK ma! Partner called. I will pick him and go to the location. All the best!" he gently patted her shoulders and she nodded in affirmation. In between Karthick's father joined them. Before he could meet Ashwin, he boarded the car bidding Good bye to Karthick and Shivani.


Board meeting room:

All the primary members including Rakshan anna, Karthick, Mr. Krishnan(Karthick's father), Maran appa (Rakshan's father) were present. I was expecting Arunachalam mama to attend the meeting in person but he decided to attend in VC with few other members from Coimbatore. I have attended few meeting with Mama, but this is the first meeting, I am going to present without him. " there with me!" I said a quick prayer before moving to the podium to present my presentation.


She was doing a good job on the podium. My gaze turned to Pavi who was busy taking notes sitting behind Karthick. I was observing dad since beginning. But this man is seriously something. I couldn't get a slightest idea about what he is thinking. Will he support her? Poor girl has put her life and soul in this. Was it wise for me that I didn't discuss about his visit to Karthick? The Presentation was over and my concentration went back to Shivani in the Q&A session.


"Shivani you did an awesome job. I am very much impressed" Karthick said and all the members in the hall applauded.

"Thank you Karthick" Shivani Smiled.

"Let's get into business. Aren't we compromising on our profits??" A senior member asked.

"Mr. Raj, you are talking as if we are not going to expand at all. We are just contributing a % of our profit" Rakshan said

"Of course, we even have plans to start medical colleges. The contribution that we are going to make for this proposal is very less when compared to the profit that we are going to earn." Shivani Added

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