Trip to GOA!

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Goa is one of the unique place in India where you can find people of every kind — Partying people, just chilling people, explorers, hardcore travelers, Hippies, Foreign travellers and anyone who is passionate about travel.

"Two things I like more about Goa is the beach and Speed bumps. The speed bumps are very nice and kept minimal and it's very nice to drive on the roads through the bumps." I said and SAM nodded.

After that day, I spent 3 days in hotel before we took off for the trip. We booked flight till Mumbai and decided to go on road trip from Mumbai to Goa. Except SAM and NISHA, all of us took turns to drive. After all they needed some time to get settled to Indian Roads. As early morning Rays fell on me, I turned back to check out my travel mates. Nisha comfortably settled on the back with the rest of the bags and baggage. In the middle, I could see Rakshan with his girlfriend and my girlfr... sorry Shivani on either side of him, their heads comfortably resting on his shoulders. SAM was checking out the nature like me on his side of window.

"Ashwin Anga paru!" SAM pointed his fingers to his side, and we saw that the SUN was rising slowly. It was a sight worth watching. SAM captured the moment in his mobile as I parked the car in the corner of the road. One by one everyone woke up slowly and got down to witness the beautiful moment in front of us. The sunrise marked the beginning of new beautiful day.


They got down in the designated resort and Ashwin started removing the luggage. Nisha and SAM carried their luggage unperturbed. While Rakshan moved forward to pick Pavi's bag, she scoffed his hands aside and started carrying her own luggage. Ashwin looked at Rakshan. Rakshan shrugged his shoulders and picked Shivani's luggage and moved forward.

"Is she still angry??" Ashwin asked Shivani closing the car door.

"Probably!" she replied and moved forward.


Ashwin had rented a individual cottage with 3 rooms, which looked nothing less than a villa. After they freshened up, the group went straight to the Baga beach. The entire day they spent wandering around the Baga beach. The markets near the Baga beach is good for buying souvenirs and Hippie dresses. You can find a lot of cafes and restaurants on the streets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Shivani was busy with her videocam while the boys were busy playing beach volleyball. Nisha and Pavi went for shopping . Shivani noted some normal conversation between SAM and ASHWIN and felt good. As if he knew that Shivani was thinking about him, he looked at her for a moment before focusing on the ball. That day's incident flashed on her mind.


The girls had great time shopping. Once they came out of the lift, they were welcomed by loud music in Ashwin's apartment. Upon the girls insistence, Shivani entered Pin and opened the door without knocking.

Rakshan and SAM were sitting on either side of a beautiful model. At the same time, Ashwin came out of the kitchen with a glass of juice for her.

"Ah,,Thank you Ashwin" She commented.

"You are always welcome." He replied in appreciation and turned around to see the girls standing near the door looking at them

"Err.. Hi...When did you comeback?? How was the shopping??" Ashwin asked little loudly clearly warning the boys.

The boys turned back and immediately stood up. Fear was very much evident in all their faces. At the same time, a man around 35-40 came out from the kitchen, carrying a glass of juice for himself.

"Master! Ivanga ennoda cousins! Pavithra, Nisha... » Ashwin introduced them and when he pointed towards Shivani!

"Wait..Shivani thane??" master asked and came near Shivani.

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