Chapter 17

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The next day was like hell. Aria, mom and dad asked me a million times that why am I so gloomy but I didn't tell them anything.

My phone was blowing off because of the messages and calls by my 'friends'. I was not ready to talk to them. Not yet.

"Get up you. That's enough. You're not ready to tell me anything, fine, but no more sulking. Get your ass up, we're going out." Aria came barging in my room at evening, where I was lying in my bed, wrapped up in my blanket, sulking.

"What? Out where?" I mumbled. I was in no mood to go out. I just want to drown in my self-pity. After Bryce left yesterday evening, I felt all alone. I didn't share anything with Aria too. I couldn't bring myself to speak about it again.

"We're going out to have some ice cream, my treat. Now get up." She pulled me up by my arms and dragged me to the closet.

"Get ready." She gave me a pointed look and left the room. I think it's good that we're going out. I'll just tell her everything while having ice cream. Yep, good idea.

I got dressed and we both left for the market nearby. We parked our car and entered the market. We decided to go to a small ice cream parlour which, in my opinion, is the best around here.

We were on our way to the parlour when Aria grabbed my hand suddenly. She inched closer to me and whispered, "Hey, there's one weird guy following us, he's right behind us."

As soon as these words left her mouth I turned around immediately. There, I see him. A mysterious boy, dressed in all black, his fair falling till his shoulders. I can't make out his facial features clearly though because as soon he noticed our attention on him, he immediately turned around and left. Huh? What a weird guy

"Let's order first and then you and I will have talk." She ordered me sternly. I nodded at her.

We ordered our favourite ice creams and took a seat in the parlour.

"Now tell me everything, don't you dare hide anything from me." she said leaving no room for arguments.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll tell you everything." I was about to tell her when our order arrived. We had our ice cream while I told her everything that happened. She was shocked to hear all this.

"I'm really confused here Nika." I sighed.

"Me too Ari, me too." She reached for my hand over the table and gave it a squeeze, smiling at me reassuringly.

"I'm sure everything will go back to normal. I understand why you feel so betrayed so, take your time. But when you're ready, do talk to them. At least listen to them, okay?" she looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"Yes, Ari. I don't think I can stay mad at them forever." I gave her a small smile. We then talked about random topics and enjoyed our ice cream.

We decided to take a walk before going home. It feels good to be able to share everything to a person who understands you completely.

We were just walking when suddenly Aria was ripped away from my side. And what I saw next was very surprising.

Christian McMahon was there, holding my bestie in his arms so possessively and his face was buried in her neck. He was- he was sniffing her. What the hell? Aria was frozen, I was frozen. I didn't know how to react.

As soon she regained her senses, she scared struggling in Christian's hold, screaming at him to let her go. Instead of listening to her, that asshole growled, yes, growled and held her even more tightly.

It took a while for my brain to process what was happening but as soon as I came out of my shocked state, I ran towards them and tried to get his hands off of my best friend.

"Leave her, Christian!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but he just wouldn't let go. I looked here and there to ask people for help but what shocked me was that they all were staring at us and no one tried to save my friend. Do these people have no compassion? I was baffled.

"Leave me!" a sob escaped Aria's lips and that's when Christian pulled away from her, giving her an opening to escaped. She pushed on his chest with all her might, making him stumble back.

As soon as she got free, I took hold of her hand and pulled her away, hugging her tightly. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed.

"What is wrong with you, you monster!" I yelled as anger surged through my veins. How dare he harass my best friend like that?

He growled again. What is wrong with him? And tried to leap on us which made both of us scream in terror. We both closed our eyes in fear, expecting an attack which never came.

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped when I looked at Christian's feet dangling in the air, him struggling to breathe as a strong muscular man squeezes his throat.

I can recognize this person's back from a mile afar.

Bryce is here!!!

**~ ~ ~**Hello, y'all! Yes, I'm alive!!!!!!More updates soon.

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