Chapter 16

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I would like to thank Caty Duncan for making this beautiful book cover. DuncansDarling09


There was pin drop silence in the room. They were shocked.

"Oh, hey Nika! Didn't expect you to, umm, see you here." Ashley stuttered out.

"Surprise, surprise, my dear friends. Now let's cut this crap. How about you tell me what is going on here, what are you hiding from me huh? And what is this man doing over here?" I barked out, pointing my finger at Christian. He stood there scratching the back of his neck.

"Anika, it's not what you think." Dimitri said trying to come closer to me. I stretched out my hand to stop him.

"Stop right there Dimitri. Obviously, it's not what I think. Because I don't know what to think. So, just tell me already."

"It's not our place to tell you." Christian moved forward and spoke up.'

"You shut the hell up, I'm not talking to you." I spat out. I was fuming. I never felt so betrayed in my life before.

"Please clam down Nika." Ashley said in a low voice. She was nervous to talk to me. Good, she should be.

"It's Anika to you. Only my friends are allowed to call me Nika." I crossed my arms.

"Please don't say that. We're your friends. Please try to understand." Ashley pleaded.

"Friends don't lie to each other. You people are so shameless. I'm standing in front of, I heard your conversation, I'm asking you to tell me the truth and you refuse. WOW! Brilliant. Fricking brilliant." I clapped slowly.

"There is a reason we can't tell you anything Ni- Anika. You will understand everything when the time comes." Dimitri spoke up slowly.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"This is the last time I'm asking you again. Will you tell me what were you guys talking about? Who's Alex and what king?" I asked them calmly.

"We can't." Dimitri spoke up, his head handing down in shame.

My eyes welled up with tears. But I refused to cry for these liars. I was hurt. How can they do this to me?

"I really thought we were friends." I croaked out. My voice wavered but I managed not to cry.

"Never try to contact me again." I said and ran out of the room ignoring their calls for me to stop.

I ran out of Dimitri's house before his mom could've notice me. I got inside the car, turned my phone into airplane mode and drove away as fast as I can. I stopped when I was halfway on the road and parked my car in a corner. I just sat there with my eyes closed.

Did this really happen? My friends betrayed me? Well, I doubt that they were ever really my friends. But we spent so much time together, we had so many memories with each other. I didn't even notice the tears that started to flow down my cheeks.

I cried for our lost friendship, for the time we spent together, for all the beautiful memories and the fun that we had together. I lost the track of time. I need to get myself together. oh god! What will I say to Aria?

Wait a minute! Christian McMahon is also involved with all this, whatever this is going on. Maybe Bryce can tell me something about this? He works for the Wilhems right? So, he's got to have some inside news about this!

Are you stupid Anika? Bryce would've told you already if he knew anything.

I started the car and drove home.

~ ~ ~

When I reached back, Aria was already asleep on my bed. Good. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. Bryce will come after half an hour. I decided to wait for him downstairs.

I was pacing besides the swing when arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I was shocked at first but then relaxed when I realised it's Bryce.

He spun me around while laughing. I forgot all my worries hearing him. I just want to stay in his arms forever, and listening to his beautiful laughter.

"I missed you, my love." he whispered in my ear and gave it a light peck. I closed my eyes a sighed deeply. He kept my down at feet and turned me around. I didn't give him time to look at my face, I hugged him tightly and buried my face in his chest. He returned my embrace and kissed the top of my head.

"What happened Anika?" he asks concerned, stroking my head. That's when I couldn't control sob that broke through me. My shoulders shook violently while I sobbed and held on to Bryce as if my life depended on him.

He held me securely in his grip and whispered sweet nothings in my ear to calm me down.

It took me few more minutes to get myself together. I pulled away from him and I'm sure my face was a mess.

He wiped my tears and cupped my face in both his hands and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

We both settled on the swing and Bryce held both my hands in his.

"Tell me what happened love." He said, his voice full of worry.

"E- Everything was a lie Bryce." I managed to squeak out. I took in deep breaths in order to get myself together. He picked me up and settled me over his lap, his arms encircled around my waist. I laid my head on his chest. I felt at ease. I told him everything that happened. He didn't interrupt me, just listened carefully to whatever I was saying. When I mentioned that Alex, I felt him tense up but decided to ignore it and continued.

He was quite after I finished telling him everything.

"What if they have a reason for doing all this?" he finally spoke up. I looked up at him and tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip around my waist.

"Seriously now? You're taking their side." I spoke up angrily.

"Calm down, my love. I'm not taking their side. I'm just saying, what if there is a valid reason for all this? Don't you think you should give them the benefit of doubt." He said calmly, directly looking into my eyes. I stared back. All my anger drained away.

"But- but friends don't lie to each other." I still tried to argue.

"I know love. But I don't want you to be sad. I don't like to see you cry. What if no one betrayed you? You are putting yourself in emotional pain and I can't stand it." I sighed and laid my head on his chest again.

"Maybe you're right." I mumbled into his chest. A rumble vibrated into his chest.

"I'm always right, my love." He chuckled. I hit his chest with my fist playfully. He just laughed again.

He is my happiness. He just made me forget everything bad that happened today. I always feel at ease whenever I'm with him. I always feel protected. There is a strange pull that draws me towards him more and more.

I pray to god that Bryce is right. I want to believe that there is a valid reason for them hiding all this, whatever this is, from me.


What do you think about this chapter?

What do you think will happen next?

You can also read my other story "Come What May." It is also available on Inkitt. Link in bio.


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