Chapter 21

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The smile is wiped from Bryce's face when he looks at my rage filled one and feels the animosity of my words. All these days, I tried to forget him. I forced myself to think that it didn't matter that he left. I tried my best to not feel the heartbreak, the betrayal.

I promised myself that I won't cry but look at me now; standing in front of this traitor with teary eyes as all the pain, the sadness comes rushing back to me from the place where I safely tucked them away.

My focus immediately shifts to the wooden floor as I feel the traitorous tears escaping my eyes.

"Anika" my name sounds so foreign on his lips yet it feels like it should only be spoken by him. What are you thinking, Anika? He betrayed you! He left you!

"You're finally here" he says happily and marches towards me, his arms opened wide, ready to hold me. As soon as he's just a few steps away from me, my arm flies in front of my, effectively stopping him from coming any closer.

"Don't come near me." A broken whisper escapes my lips as I see his feet. I can't manage to muster up the courage to look up and face my demons. I thought he was my angel but he proved me wrong.

"Why? What have I done?" he asks, hurt seeping through his voice. How dare he play the victim here?

I don't answer. I don't want to. I have nothing to say to him. I try to walk past him but he grips my arm tightly, successfully stopping me.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" he pleads but I still don't budge. He fooled me once, he can't fool me again.

A tear drops from my eyes and falls to the floor and within a second, my chin is gripped hard and I'm forced to look into the worried, blue eyes staring back at me in concern.

He looks worried, scared.

"Why are you crying?" he says as if me crying brings him pain. His hand reaches out and wipes away my tears which are now flowing continuously.

"Let me go" the hand which I raised to keep him at bay now rests over his clothed chest and I can feel myself calming down a little. No, no, no! it's not good! He's playing with me!

"No!" he snaps and takes hold of my hand, pulling me towards himself roughly as I slam into his chest. He now has a wise grip around my waist while still maintaining eye contact.

"Tell me what's wrong. Don't walk away from me." He pleads.

I try to push him away with all my might. "I have nothing to say to you!" I scream and manage to free myself. I take the opportunity to run and escape his games. A victorious smile graces my lips as my hand holds the doorknob but it is short lived.

I am turned around and pushed and Bryce has me captured in between him and the wall, the fronts touching, nose grazing with each other. Bryce's eyes darken and I gasp.

"What the hell is your problem?" Bryce growls out as he stares hole into my face. I on the other hand, am shivering with fear. Why did his eyes change color? Why is growling? The hell is going on?

When I don't reply, he groans and pulls away. He grips my hand, no doubt hard enough for a bruise to form and rips open his bedroom door, dragging me with him.

"What are you doing? Leave me!" I scream as I hit his hand, trying to get myself free.

"Leave me alone, Bryce! Let me go!" I yell, way louder than I originally intended to and it seems like it snapped something in Bryce as he whirls around, looking furious and slam my back against the wall again.

"No!" he roars and slams his lips on mine. My eyes widen and knees go weak as his mouth roughly moves against mine. I'm able to stand upright because of his tight grip on my waist or else I would've turned into a puddle. The kiss is wild. I try to move my lips along his but his pace is impossible to match.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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