Chapter 9

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This pic can be used to imagine Christian McMahon. This is the art which describes the looks of Darryl Collins in The Teacher. An episode story by Mette!

We all were preparing for the upcoming maths test at the college library. A friend of Caleb will also join us today, but not here. We will meet at Starbucks. His name is Christian McMahon. He works for the Wilhem Enterprises. Caleb requested him to personally meet us and help us perform to get that job Mr. wilhem offered. He said Mr. McMahon is one of the most trusted men of Mr. Wilhem. It increased my curiosity to meet him. Let's see what kind of people Mr. Wilhem prefer.

"Hey guys! How are you?" Caleb greeted us enthusiastically.

"We have a maths test coming up, how do you think we are doing smartass!" Ashley huffed. We all laughed at her reaction. She hates maths, just like Aria. Maybe that's why we bonded so quickly. Because of her's and Aria's similar nature.

The college got over and we made our way to Starbucks. It is time to meet Christian McMahon.

"When will he come? Mr. Wilhem is giving a very good example of time management by this." Dimitri groaned.

"How is this Mr. Wilhem's fault now?" I asked suddenly getting defensive.

"Well... Christian is kind of like.. his friend, so they must be alike." He replied.

"Now this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Me and Aria are best friends but we are completely different." I said.

"Guys please stop arguing will ya?" Ian said.

"Yeah Dimitri stop fighting with Anika. Anyway, Caleb tell us something about Christian McMahon." Ashley asked.

"Why do you want to know about him Lee?" Dimitri asks, clearly jealous.

"Oh come on! Stop acting like a jealous husband Dimitri." I said, trying to annoy him. It is really fun to get him mad.

"I'm not a jealous husband!"

"Just cut it you both!" Adrian yelled. We both stopped and I gave him a sheepish grin.

"So... you were telling us about Christian McMahon." Ashley said to Caleb.

"Yeah... as you all know he is one of the most trusted men of Alexander Wilhem. He is 25 years old, a damn big player he is. In fact it is an understatement. He is a charmer. I'm telling you girls this so that you can be careful. Do not fall for his advances and Anika you are single so you need to be extra careful." Caleb instructed us... well basically warned me.

"Don't worry about me, his charm will not work on me." I assured him.

"Oooooooohhhhhh did our Anika find someone? Come on you can tell us!" Ashley teased me.

"Really Greene? And you didn't tell me... Come on dude I was your first friend over here.... I have the right to know." Dimitri joined in. Oh God! Dramatic much?

"Calm down guys! No! I didn't find any someone special okay. Otherwise I would've told you." Bryce doesn't count as someone special right? I mean.. I don't even know him. How can I say anything about him.

"There he is guys." Caleb spoke up. We all jerked our heads towards the direction he pointed at.

Oh boy! We see a drool worthy guy walking towards us. As soon as his eyes landed on Ashley he gave a seductive smirk. Dimitri tenses up beside her and his grip on Ash's waist visibly tightens. Everything about him speaks about his playboy personality. His blonde hair, chocolaty eyes, a very little tan.... almost fair skin tone and the way he walks, the way his eyes scan the girls up and down. WOW! He doesn't even care we are younger than him. But damn he looks good in his business suite. When he reached our table Caleb stood up and shook his hand. They both sat down and Caleb introduced us to him. Dimitri didn't let Ashley shake his hand. Typical Dimitri!

"And this is Anika Greene." Caleb introduced me to him at the end. As soon as he said my name Christian's eyes widen. He extended his hands towards me.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Miss Greene." His eyes twinkled with amazement which I found really surprising. Why is he so amazed to meet me?

"Ahm... So Caleb told me that you guys want my guidance to improve your performance." Christian begins.

"Yep! That's true." Ian says.

"Okay, so in order to get his favour, which he doesn't need to do but still he will because he wants to be Mister kind heart, you need to focus on your overall development, not just studies. Pick some extracurricular activities like dance, football anything. It will help you to get in Alex's good will."

"Why do I thin you are not in support of him giving us this chance?" Dimitri asks.

"Of course I am not in favour but he always does what he wants."

"And why are you not in favour of his decision?" I ask getting curious.

"He doesn't need to waste his money and vacancies on some little, inexperienced pups." Pups?

I was offended by the way he talked about us. He compared us with puppies. This man has no decency. If he is like this than what kind of a man Alexander Wilhem be? I hope what Dimitri said is not true.

"I told you everything that you need to know.I'll take my leave now." He starts getting up.

"Whoa! What? That's it. We waited this long just for you to show up for 5 minutes and then leave. Are you kidding me!" Dimitri says clearly enraged.

"I told you everything. Stop being a brat and start working." With that Christian left. What the literal fuck just happened?

"He is so rude. Bloody dog!" Ashley spoke up, clearly not liking his choice of words towards Dimitri.

"Okay guys, it is too much for today. I'm going home." I said.

"I'll drop you and Ashley." Dimitri gets up too.

"Very well." I nodded. With that we all left for our homes.


I was sitting on my bed. My head felt like someone was nailing it. I need fresh air right now! I opened my window and stepped out towards the balcony. I took a deep breath and exhaled. The gentle breeze calming my nerves. When I looked down my heart nearly stopped beating, my eyes widened and I gasped. Then my heart started beating a mile a second. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was smiling like crazy and happy tears were flowing from my eyes. Right in front of me, sitting on my garden swing was HIM! My Bryce!
                          ~  ~  ~
A very happy new year everyone! Have a great time😘

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