Chapter 15

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For anyone who looks so innocent with long black hair and big shiny eyes that sparkle and make her look like an angel, Aria was really violent and dangerous. Looks can be deceptive and never judge a book by its cover.

The speed at which she tackled me to the ground was unbelievable. If I wasn't holding both her hands she would've seriously snatched me bald.

"What the heck! You bitch! How dare you hide this from me for so long? You're no best friend of mine, you traitor! Don't you ever talk to me again for five minutes all right. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Oh my god! Stop Aria! Gosh!" I yelled to trying to pry her off me.

She huffed and got up.

"I can't believe this Anika. I thought we were best friends." She said disappointingly and plopped down on bed.

"Don't say like that Aria, we are best friends. And you have no idea how bad I feel for not telling you this sooner. I'm so sorry Ari. But it all happened so unexpectedly. But I assure you, you're the first one to know about this." I said sitting next to her and holding on to her hands and making the best puppy face I could manage.

I can't stand her being angry at me. she didn't reply.

"Please Ari, don't be angry, I'm sorry." I pleaded putting both my arms around her. She sighed.

"I'm not angry Nika. I'm just.. disappointed. Disappointed that my best friend didn't tell me about her first ever relationship."

"I wanted to tell you face to face."

"You should've called me Anika." She said in a whisper. In that moment I realised how much I hurt her. If I were at her place, I would be hurt too, but she never did anything like this. Sure, we've had our fair share of fights but what I did was wrong.

I shifted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm so sorry Aria, please forgive me, I'll never do this again."

"Of-course you won't, or I'll beat the heck out of you, I promise that." She said and wrapped her arms around me.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked pouting.

"Yes, you are. Stop your overacting." We both laughed out loud to this.

"Okay, okay, so, now tell me, Who's he? How does he look? How hot he's to the scale of 1-10? What am I asking, of-course you'll think he's a 10 on 10. Just tell me everything about him already!" she said in one breath. Yep, she's hella excited about this.

"Okay.. umm... so, his name is Bryce and he lives beyond the forest. He works for Alexander Wilhem, The Duke."

"Oh Gosh! He's older than you? That's a first huh... you were never attracted to guys older than you and now... dating one! Oh, I'm loving it!" she shrieked out.

"Hey! Shh... don't be so loud, Mom will hear you." I hushed her.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Tell me, how you met him? How does he look? Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm so excited." She clapped her hands. This girl will definitely get me into trouble.

"I'll tell you when you'll calm down." I said, folding my hands across my chest. I'm getting irritated now!

"Sorry!" I'll not yell, promise! Continue.." she said, putting a finger on her lips like a pre school student. I just shook my head at her.

I was about to continue when my mobile phone rang. It was Ashley.

"I have to pick this up." I excused. Aria just stuck her tongue out at me.

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