Chapter 1

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Anika's POV

I was sitting on my couch thinking about my new life that will start when I will move to a cold city called Peidmond near the outskirts of Seattle. I got a phone call yesterday from my college to inform me that I am the lucky one who is selected to go and study abroad. According to them it's a miracle that I got selected. Well I am glad that I will be out from this place and have the experience of handling myself alone. Quite frankly I'll miss mom and dad but it's okay, I have to do this for my future.

I am the type of girl who always dreams big. I want to be famous, to be recognised. No I'm not the one to be in some kind of modelling business and shit. I just want to explore first, to know where my interest lies. I have to figure myself out, to give myself a purpose to live.

I'm an average girl. I like to take part in different activities like acting, dancing and all but just for fun. I don't plan on making my career any of these fields. I want something stable, which will provide me money and a safe life. I'm not one of the brightest students but I do pretty fine. Nobody's perfect! As for my love life...... it's non-existent. Haha I know it's funny 19 years olod and still no experience in dating and stuff.... Well duh..... Never got time and I am not that good looking that anyone will give a second glance at. Maybe one day..... One can dream right!

"Hey girl! Miss me?" Aria my best friend spoke.

"Nah.... not even a little bit." I grinned. "yeah... well whatever! Move your lazy ass from that couch and get ready.. we're going for shopping! No ifs and buts." she said.

"Shopping.... What for?" I asked.

"What do you mean what for......... you're going Peidmond for God's sake! We need clothes for you chickaaaaaaaaa." she said excitedly. That's what I like about her. She is so enthusiastic. God I'll miss her so much.

I really wonder what will happen to my love life. When I see mt friends being all lovey dovey with their boyfriends I really feel bad for myself. I also want to experienced how it is when someone is constantly reminding you that how much they love you, how much you matter to them, those sweet good morning and good night texts. And the best part is you love them with all of your heart. I do feel sometimes that maybe God forgot to create my other half. I will be forever single and devoid of the feeling of pure bliss and satisfaction of love. But I don't want this to happen, I want my other half, my soulmate to be with me. I send this prayer to god every single night to let me have this privilege to meet "The One". The one who is created only for me, to cherish me, to protect me, to be the one for me to love, to give all of my heart.


"Oh God! I'm tired." I said exhausted by our shopping trip.

"Well at least now you have some good clothes and you will not roam in the streets of Peidmond dressed as a hobo." Aria countered.

"Hey! I do not dress like a hobo!" I shot back. I seriously don't dress like a hobo. I have a pretty decent dressing sense. We both decided to have a sleepover. So we changed into our pjs and plopped down on bed. Sleep quickly took over as we both were so tired with all this shopping and all. I will definitely miss my life here.

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