Chapter 2

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Finally! The day has arrived. I was standing at the airport with my parents and Aria. After exchanging some emotional words and hugs I waved them goodbye and boarded the plane...... Hello new life!

When I arrived my destination I exited the airport. There was a person carrying my name card. Anika Greene. I quickly got inside the cab and headed to my new home. When I got there I was greeted by a handsome boy. 5'8" height, dark brown hair, honey colored eyes, tanned skin. WOW! First day and I am greeted by a boy who is a freakin' eye candy. Lucky aren't we Anika! He is the son of our neighbours who happen to be very good friends of dad. That's why my parents didn't create a fuss over sending me here. Clever enough. His name is Dimitri.

My new home stood tall and proud, red bricks and a posh looking French door, it seemed to have at least 3 floors, taking in the small attic on the third floor. Even the front yard seemed beautifully cultivated. Dimitri led me upstsairs until we came to a stop on the very end of the hallway. He unlocked the room  and opened the doors, motioning me to walk in.

I walked in and froze.

There in front of me was the most amazing view of a castle perched on a mountain, surrounded by pine trees and fog. Beyond it, I could see water, maybe a lake or sea..... I don,t know. It was hard to see through the fog. I was mesmerised by it's beauty.  I wonder who own this castle.

As if reading my thoughts Dimitri said that it is Doverlore Castle owned by Alexander Wilhem. His grandfather was a Duke and that has now been passed over to him. He is very much rich. Not only by heritage but most of the castle is self made.

WOW! I already admire this Wilhem guy. I'm sure he does a lot of hard work to justify his wealth. That thought inspired me more to work hard and achieve my goals.

"Hey I can help you to set up your room if you don't mind."

"Of course not Dimitri... I would really appreciate the help."

After halping me to set my room Dimitri left. It was evening by then. Dimitri is a pretty decent and funny guy. I have a feeling that we will be really good friends. I called my parents and had a chat and after that I informed Aria about Dimitri and I could imagine her jump out of her bed. I promised to send her a picture of Dimitri though. But now I have more important thing to worry about...... College!

God help me.... I don't know how I will adjust with the new people. I hope that I'll be able to make friends.
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This chapter has direct reference from MTTAK!
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