Chapter 10

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Dimitri's POV

I'm the golden boy of our college or so the other people call me. My life has taken an unexpected turn... a turn I like. And there is one person to be thanked for this. Anika Greene. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have met Ashley. My Lee. The first girl who made my heartbeat go crazy. I never had the courage to confess my feelings to her. I did notice her in our campus though, but from afar. I know she attends all our football matches but she never really tried to talk to me or any other guy from our team.

I did sleep with a few girls but it was never serious. I never took advantage of anyone of them, it happened with their consent. But I was never involved with any of the girls from our college so they all know I don't talk to girls often.

Then Anika came into my life. Our Fathers are friends actually, so her dad asked if I could help her settle in here and ofcourse I said yes. We became friends very quickly. She is a really sweet girl. She was very nervous on her first day but I assured her I will be there for her. But who knew I'll get so lucky. She made her first friend by herself as she says.. none other than Ashley Dobrev.

When she introduced her to us I couldn't help but check her out. We did face a few problems, the major one being Eva but everything happens for a reason. Because of Eva's incident I confessed my love for Ashley.

I don't like Caleb around my Lee. But he's just doing his job. He's here for Anika, not Lee. So I gotta live with it. Nika doesn't even know what surprises are going to come her way. She'll soon realise everything and I hope she'll be able to cope up with it. Though I'll always be there for her so nothing to worry about right? Just have to make sure that I don't get my head cut off by a certain king.

Anika's POV

He's here, he's here... Bryce is really here. I ran as fast as I could , climbed down the stairs and went straight out of my house to my backyard where my mysterious blue eyed man was standing. I stood in front of him gasping for air... Never in my life I ran so fast!

"Hello love." I heard his beautiful voice say. Just hearing his voice sent a shiver down my spine. Calm down Anika!

"Wha- What are you doing here?" I managed to asked him. It felt surreal. Bryce standing in front of me looking into my eyes as if looking straight at my soul with his beautiful pools of blue and a light smile on his lips.

"I always come here to have some alone time. This house was empty for years, I didn't know it was taken. I hope you forgive this trespasser."

"No, it's okay. I'm glad to see you... uhh.. I mean there is no need to apologize... you didn't know. And I got the chance to meet you again.. I mean WOW! what a coincidence.. uhh I'm sorry I'm babbling, I-" he cut off my rant with a chuckle. It was music to my years. Oh God! What's happening to me?

"It's good to see you too love." I blushed furiously at his words. His voice is doing weird things to me and him calling me LOVE is not helping at all. I never thought I'll be able to meet such a gorgeous man in my life. He makes think that all the things that my hopeless romantic heart wants can be a reality. It's too good to be true though.

He extended his hands towards me and on instinct I put my hand in his. I couldn't even explain he sudden sparks I felt when my skin touched his. I never wanted him to let go of my hand. He made me sit on the swing and sat beside me.

"How are you doing Anika?" I inhaled sharply as I heard my name leave his lips. Never have I liked my name so much.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm much better now that you're here." I looked down as I blushed hard. I felt a hand under my chin and lift my face up for my chocolate brown eyes to meet the beautiful blue ones.

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