Chapter 14

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Our lips meet again and all the insecurities I had in my mind went out of the window. It felt like I'm on top of the world. There was a spark between us. Whenever he was near me, I felt safe, I felt loved.

He slowly made his way down towards my neck leaving feather light kisses on his way, making me crave for more. My whole body was set on fire when he sucked on one spot on my neck and I couldn't stop but moan. I felt him smirking against my neck.

"Gotcha." He whispered.

He continued his assault on my neck and I was a squirming mess underneath him. His hands went under my top and caressed my stomach. My breath hitched as I closed my eyes and revelled the feeling of his hands on my body.

He left my neck and went for my stomach. He kissed my belly button and I moaned. His hands went towards my shorts and started tugging on them. My eyes flew open and reality set in.

Things are getting heated but I can't do this. Not today, I'm not ready.

"B- Bryce" I whispered and he instantly stopped sensing my hesitation.

His eyes met mine and he could clearly see uncertainty in them. I closed them quickly as I couldn't stand to see disappointment in his beautiful blue pools. I could sense he rested both his elbows on either side of my head and his face was directly above mine.

"Anika, open your eyes love." His voice a soothing caress. He gently touched my cheek and I opened my eyes. He gave me a gentle reassuring smile.

"It's okay my love. I'll never force you to do something you're not comfortable with. I will wait for you." Relief washed over me after hearing his words and I smiled at him. He kissed my forehead and got up from bed. He was about to walk away but I instantly gripped his hand. No! he can't leave like this. God Anika, you disappointed him!

He turned back and grinned at me.

"Don't worry baby, I'm not going anywhere. Just let me take out the blanket from the cupboard." I blushed and left his hand. He called me baby. My heart was ready to come out of my heart and dance.

Bryce came back with the blanket and tucked me in.

"Please stay with me tonight. It's raining heavily, I don't want you to leave." I said in hopes that he would stay.

"Your wish is my command, my love." I smiled and shifted in bed to make space for him. He laid down at my side. We were laying with his chest against my back.

"Mhm... who would've thought that this big strong man is a cuddler." I said and giggled.

The next thing I know I'm a struggling to breath as I'm laughing so hard.

"Gahh! Bryce sto- stop! Stop tickling!" Bryce was full on laughing at my state.

"Will you make fun of me again?" he asked in between his laughter.

"No, no I pro- promise!" I shrieked out.

"Say you're sorry."

"I'm so sorry!" he stopped tickling me. I was taking deep breaths and tried to compose myself.

Bryce laid down on his back and I draped an arm over his stomach and my head was over his chest. I slept peacefully that night in his arms.

~ ~ ~

I woke to the wonderful aroma of coffee. I opened my eyes and stretched my arms still lying down on bed.

"Wake up, my queen." I smile broke on my lips after hearing his words. I sat up on bed and looked at him.

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