Chapter 12

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Time stopped. There was tension in the atmosphere after I said these words. Bryce's face was blank. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Was he upset? Angry?

"What happened?" he asked in a low voice, his face still void of expression but I could see his eyes getting darker.

"I- I think.. I just...." I stopped when he suddenly reached for me and put his hands on my shoulders bringing me closer towards him.

"What is it Anika?" he bit out through gritted teeth. Rumbling sound coming out from him. Does he have a problem in his throat?

"Is it because of what I said yesterday?" my eyes widened. What should I say now? Think Anika think!

I didn't know what to say. All the courage I gathered left me and my eyes filled with tears. What does he want me to say? Yes, I like you but I know that you have someone else in your life, I'm okay with it. no, I'm not!

Seeing my tears fall he gently wiped them from my face and held my face in his hands.

"When I said maybe.... I was talking about you Anika." SAY WHAT?

Looking at my shocked expression he chuckled.

"Wha- what do you mean?" me? As in me? Anika Greene?

"I mean... that you're the one I was talking about. It's complicated because I haven't asked you to be my girlfriend yet. There's no one else Anika."

Hearing this I started sobbing and threw my arms around him, embracing him. He lifted me off the ground and hugged me tightly and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I thought you have a girlfriend... I- I was so sad. I-I..." I couldn't even complete my sentence and continued to sob.

"hey... shh shh... it's alright. I'm here love. I'm here for you." It took me a while to calm down. He then slowly put me down and caressed my cheek. He was looking deeply into my chocolate brown eyes and I was lost in his blue ones. He slowly started to lean in and so did I.

His lips met mine and thousands of firecrackers exploded in my heart. I closed my eyes and shivered as pleasure coursed through my body. He kissed me slowly and gently. He wrapped his hand around my waist bringing me impossibly closer to him and the other held me by my neck, I wrapped both my hands around his neck. His lips were so soft against mine. I gently moved my lips against his. I felt complete. I let out a soft moan causing Bryce to growl out. He gently tugged my lower lip asking for entrance which I happily granted. His tongue caressed mine gently and my legs turned into jelly.

If it wasn't for Bryce holding me, I would've collapsed till now. It was my first kiss. We both pulled away at the same time gasping for air. A large smile has formed on his face where I was blushing fifty shades of red. I looked down feeling shy. He held my chin and gently tilted it up so I was looking at him. He pecked my lips once again.

"Thank you love. Thank you so much." I was smiling up at him my cheeks still flushed.

"Now tell me love, will you be my girlfriend?" he looked at me with a hopeful expression.

"Yes." I whispered lowly, but he heard me. He picked me up by my waist and spun me around laughing loudly. I too joined him and laughed.

"Finally! I can say you're mine! Just like I'm yours." He put me down on my feet still a huge smile on his face.

"You're mine." I don't know why but it slipped out of my mouth and as soon as I said it Bryce looked as if he is the happiest man in this world.

"Yes love. I'm yours! All yours!"

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