Chapter 11

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I don't think life can be more perfect. I wake up everyday looking forward to meeting Bryce. He and I have become very close these past few weeks. He opened up about himself. He told me he works for Mr. Alexander Wilhem. His parents died a long time back. It was a sensitive subject for him so I didn't push him. He'll tell me himself when he's comfortable.

I told him that I'm working on a project to get selected for the internship that Mr. Wilhem has offered to the students. He was so happy when he heard this. He said he's sure that I can do it. My heart swelled with pride. I like him. Yes, call me a fool for saying this about a man whom I've known just for few weeks but I do like him. I can't tell him though. I don't want to ruin the friendship we've developed. Who knows maybe one day he likes me back. A girl can dream right?

Aria still hasn't shown up. I swear I'm gonna murder her when she comes. She was supposed to be here many moons back. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but still. I miss my best friend and I want her here. Our breaks are starting from tomorrow. I want her to meet all my friends here. We'll have so much fun together.

~ ~ ~

"Well well well... look who do we've got over here.... Christian the great" Ashley said sarcastically.

We were at a charity event. Our parents were invited and they decided to drag us both. We were enjoying ourselves so far, stuffing our mouth with food. Food is love! I told Bryce yesterday that I won't be able to meet him because of this event. And now Christian is here. Mr. Wilhem's best friend. That idiot who called us puppies. Jerk! I will show him that we can do the tasks to get that internship. He is so arrogant, and stupid. How does he handle his job? Urrghh I hate him!

"Let's get out of here before this jerk sees us."

"Wait wait wait! Who is this blonde with him?"

"Why do you care Ash! You have Dee. Let's just go."

"Hey! It's good to be updated about people."

And then the worst thing that can ever happen, happened. He saw us. His eyes widen as he recognised us and made his way towards us, with the blonde at his side.

"What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you two here. Are you crashing the party?" he said in a tone like he cannot imagine us being at an event like this. Hearing this my blood boiled. How dare he! DOG!

"Excuse me! Who do you think you are? We were invited okay." Ashley exploded.

"Okay girls, no need to be angry. I was just messing with you." Idiot! I'll see if you'll like when I mess with your face! I so want to punch him!

"Meet my date for tonight Cheryl Monaghan. Cheryl they are the students who want to work for the Wilhem Enterprises."

The Blonde or Cheryl wore a beautiful red dress. It had a deep neck and a long slit on the left side where we can see her toned legs. She has pale skin and pouty lips. She had on a beautiful red lipstick. She oozes class and glamour.

She smiled at us and greeted us politely. Why the heck is she with this jerk then? She's so nice.

We smiled at her and then left. I cannot stand that guy for one more second. By looking at Cheryl we realised how casually we were dressed. I wore my grey coloured crop top and black jeans with my black boots and Ash wore her red one piece.

We both were so tired so we decided to head home. Our parents would come later.

~ ~ ~

Same night, Anika's house

"I don't like Christian at all. He's such a player." I spat. I really dislike that man.

"I'm not surprised. Considering that he is Alexander Wilhem's best friend, what else can you expect?" Ashley said. Now I'm confused.

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