Chapter 19

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It's been a few days and I feel empty. I can't smile, can't talk. I just sit on the swing and stare at the sky. I feel bad for behaving this way. My parents are worried about me and Aria has tried to talk to me multiple times but I don't respond. I just can't. I feel like a shitty person for ignoring the people I love.

Now also, I'm just sitting on the swing as I look at the beautiful orange glow in the sky as the sun sets. Why am I letting his absence affect me this way? I have no idea. He's just some guy who left me after making me see my future with me.

A sob escapes my lips at the thought.

Stop crying, Anika. Just stop!

"Nika" I hear a soft voice and I hurriedly wipe my tears and look up to see my best friend who looks devastated. All because of me.

She walks towards me and I shift, giving her some space to sit. She settles beside me and hugs me sideways.

"I know you are sad, Nika. I am here for you. Don't keep it all to yourself. It'll just burden you. Share your feelings with me." She says and I close my eyes as tears flow down.

"I'm sorry for shutting you out." I sob and turn to hug her back. She tightens her hold on me which gives me reassurance. I need to be strong. I just can't let any man affect me like that. I gave Bryce way too much power over myself. I need to take that control back.

I cry for nearly fifteen minutes in my best friend's arms and decide that it's the last time I'm crying for that deceiver. I won't let his absence bother me anymore. I need to get my life back.

***~ ~ ~***

I finally manage to get a hold of my emotions. It's been two days since my talk with Aria and my heart feels lighter now that I've told everything to her. We have decided to go out and try some street food and I'm struggling to decide what to wear. I pick out a floral sundress and Aria decides to wear shorts and a crop top and dang, my bestie looks like a supermodel.

My parents have gone out yet again and I think they're the ones who are enjoying their stay here to the fullest.

I hear the doorbell ring and Aria and I stare at each other. We weren't expecting anyone.

"You're parents are back early."

"I don't know."

I walk down the stairs and towards the door. I open it and lo and behold, it's none other than the traitors whom I thought are my friends. They all have a kicked puppy look on their faces. I am the one who got betrayed. Why the hell are THEY sad?

"Anika" I try to shut the door as Dimitri starts speaking but Caleb is quick to block it. I groan as I try to shut it using my full force but the door doesn't budge. What the hell? Does Caleb has super strength or something?

"Anika, please give us a chance. At least listen to our side of the story and then decide what we did is right or wrong." Ashley pleads and I roll my eyes.

"I told you all before, I don't want to listen any of your excuses. Just leave." I say firmly and I can see Dimitri getting annoyed. Before he can say something, probably snap at me, Aria comes down and stands beside me.

"Are they your friends, Nika?"

I am about to say no but Ashley speaks up.

"Yes! You must be Aria. We've heard so much about you." Ashley and Aria shake hands and I just stand there like a fool.

"Won't you invite us in?" Caleb speaks, looking curiously at Aria. Bro, what is wrong with him?

"Ah, sure!" she opens the door and lets them in while I'm pushed to the side and stare at them wide eyed. They make a beeline towards my room and I lightly punch Aria's back when they're out of the earshot.

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