Chapter 8

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We all were back to our normal routine. Dimitri and Ashley are together now..... and oh God their PDA is killing me! I and Adrian realised that we are better off as friends. But that beautiful man always occupied my mind. A smile always graced my face whenever I thought of him.

1 week passed but my mind still wandered around Bryce. It was like he possessed my mind, heart and soul. I don't understand how can I be attracted to a man I met for mere minutes to such heights. Is my heart that lonely that it is craving to get a shelter in his heart. My vision blurred as I thought about him. He is just a stranger Anika. Let him go!

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my reverie. It 's Aria.

"HOW DARE YOU NOT CALL ME FOR WEEKS!" she yelled into the phone. I just smiled at her outburst.

"I got caught up on work Ari, you know I cannot stay without talking to you."

"Oh you just wait Anika Greene till I get there. I'll kick your ass!" I burst out laughing and she joined me as well. We talked for almost 2 hours. Talking to Aria makes me happy. I need her here. Only she will understand my dilemma. The mess that is unknowingly created by Bryce. He might be living his normal life, he might not even remember me, but here I am losing my sleep because of him. I suddenly felt as if some one is looking at me, but only saw the castle staring back at me. Why do I always feel as if someone is watching over me, not to harm, but... to protect.


I got ready for college and Caleb came to pick me up. Ashley now goes to college with Dimitri. I always find them making out every chance they get. At this rate I'll have a nephew or niece very soon. Caleb also become a good friend of mine.

"Have you heard Anika that we will be visiting the castle very soon?" Caleb told me. My eyes went wide.

"Are you serious?" I shrieked.

"Yes I am." He chuckled at my reaction.

"I wanted to visit that castle so bad. Oh God I'm so happy! But why are we going to the castle?"

"Mr. Wilhem wants to address the students personally. Some kind of motivational speech I guess. And at the end of the college, the students with best overall skills will get a job at the Wilhem Enterprises."

"Whoa! We have to work really hard for that."

"Damn right Anika!"

"Can I ask you something Anika?" Caleb spoke up suddenly.

"Yes, ofcourse."

"What's up with you and Adrian?"

"Oh! Nothing. He said one day that he likes me and then we started talking more and more and then came to a conclusion that we are better off as friends."

"Oh! Have you ever thought about giving him a chance?"

"I always knew we will never work out. It was just a mild attraction on his part. But I said I would make an effort to know him just for his happiness. I never had romantic feelings for him."

"Oh! Okay." Caleb's face showed a sign of relief. Please don't tell me he likes me too.

"Is there anyone you are seeing Anika? Or a crush or something?" He asked again. Why is he being so interested in my personal life? What is the matter with him?

"No nobody yet!" I said.

"Any hidden fantasies about your dream lover?"

"No, never thought about it." How could I tell him that I saw a masterpiece God created with his own hands at the plantation. How could I tell anyone that he occupied my thoughts most of the times. He is everything a girl could imagine. I don't even know who he is. Just a name I got. Bryce! Where does he live? I don't know. Maybe he already has a girlfriend. My chest tightened at the thought of him with another woman. How pathetic Anika! You met one good looking man and he is all over your thoughts already. He is out of your league, forget about him. A tiny voice in my mind said. But I can't. I don't know why but I felt a strange connection with him. His touch, his mere presence felt like home. I'm going crazy. I need to distract myself.

I went to my backyard and sat on the swing. The fence did not completely surround it. It was open and lead the way across the trees towards the castle. it is dangerous. The wolves can enter here easily because of this. i would have to talk about this to Mom and Dad. Then I decided to leave and complete my homework. The days went by normally. I would go to college, have fun with all my friends, sometimes movie nights at Dimitri's place or Ashley's. It was good to have all my friends back together. I, Ashley, Dimitri, Adrian, Caleb and Ian. Our bond was stronger than ever. The company of my friends helped me to keep my mind off of HIM. I never mentioned about him to anyone. He was my own personal fantasy. I accepted that I would never see him again, but still somewhere in my heart I still wish that he were here. Every night when I go to sleep, I send a silent prayer to the heaven to bring him to me. It was my dream that I know would never come true.
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Aww poor Anika!! Will she ever meet Bryce again? Or will move on with someone else?

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