Chapter 7

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WE ARE FINALLY HERE! The plantation! It is so beautiful, so huge, so colourful, beautiful flowers everywhere. We all had a lot of fun at the plantation but our favourite picture spot was where the beautiful cherry blossom trees stood. But someone decided to ruin the mood. That someone being Eva.

"Do you think I don't know what are you trying to do bitch!" she shouted at Ashley.

"What the hell! What did I do?" Ashley asked confused.

"Don't act so innocent! You want to take Dimitri away from me! Stay away from him you slut! He is MINE!" Eva yelled.

To this Ashley fumed.

"Listen to me carefully Eva! I didn't know that anything is going on between you and Dimitri. So just shut up! You can keep him all to yourself!" Ash yelled back. Hurt and anger clear on her face.

"Wait! What the hell! Who said I'm with Eva?" Dimitri asked confused. He just came over, he was earlier busy with Mr. Hales talking about our living arrangements here.

"Shut up Dimitri! We all know that there is something going on between you and Eva. You never told any of us!" Ash yelled at him.

"There is nothing to tell alright! I and Eva are not together." Dimitri said, trying to hold Ashley but she jerked his hand away.

"Don't you touch me, you bastard!" tears were spilling from her eyes freely now. I tried to reach for her but she refused.

"Please listen to me-" Dimitri tried to speak but Ashley cut him off.

"No! There is nothing to discuss! Go with Eva, just get out of my sight." Ashley said. As she was going to leave Dimitri grabbed her arm, pulled her towards him and smashed his lips against hers. I gasped. What the hell just happened!

When he pulled away he cupped her cheek and started speaking.

"Now listen to me Lee! There is no other girl in my life, except you. it's always been you! Don't you ever doubt that okay! I was just trying to be good to Eva but I guess that was a mistake." Dimitri then turned to Eva.

"Get lost Eva! Don't ever come near me again." Eva stormed off without a single word.

Then Dimitri kissed Ashley again.

"Okay guys go get a room for yourselves!" I said. They both chuckled and left. Adrian was busy taking the pictures of the beautiful flowers at the plantation

 Adrian was busy taking the pictures of the beautiful flowers at the plantation

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so i decided to be alone for sometime, away from all this mess. I sat on a bench beside a cherry blossom tree and enjoyed the view of beautiful trees around me. I lost the track of time and fell asleep.

 I lost the track of time and fell asleep

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Someone shook me and I felt warm tingles shoot around my body, the person told me to wake up. I woke up and rubbed my eyes, and then turned to see who woke me up.

I died. Literally.

I died. Went straight to paradise and came back.

Standing behind me, was the sole epitome of perfection. The type of person who deserved to be in movies or on magazines. His deep deep baritone voice fit perfectly to his face. Everything from his clear blue eyes to his beautiful chin cleft to his strong aristocratic jaw to his dark wavy hair spelt out power and dominance. That warm feeling returned.

When he realised I had been staring too long, his lips pulled up in a ghost of a smile and my wide eyes found another thing to marvel on... This man's smile was officially to die for.

"You fell asleep over here love!" It's going to be dark soon, I think you should go to your guest house." That beautiful man spoke.

"Uhh... yeah,umm.... I think I should go." I became nervous.

"I'll walk you there, it's just a walking distance." He said again.

"Ho- How do yo know?"

"I saw the other people who were with you go there."

"Oh! Thanks but I don't want to trouble you."

"I insist love." love!

"Well.... okay! Thanks." I said. My voice barely audible. I lost all my senses when I saw this man.

He walked me to my guest house. I thanked him, taking all his features in because I know I won't be seeing this man again.

I was going to leave when he spoke up in his deep voice.

"What's your name love?"

I turned around and saw him approach me.

"Uh... a name for a name?"

"You may call me Bryce!"

Bryce! Nice name.

"Now your turn."

"A- Anika." I mumbled. I was too shy at the moment to meet my gaze with him. I looked to the ground instead.

"It's an honour to finally meet you Anika." Bryce's deep voice spoke softly, making me glance at him in disbelief.

Finally met me?

He took my hand in his and slowly brought it to his lips. His warm, soft lips pressed gently against the back of my palm, a little longer than normal as if holding a sent promise that this would not be the last time his lips would grace my skin.

I shivered at the thought of his lips gracing my skin.

Well! I'm not even sure it we'll meet again.

"I'll take my leave now!" he said and smiled at me. Damn that smile!

"Until we meet again love." With that said, he was gone!

The other 2 days at the plantation passed by as a blur. Only one name roamed in my mind. Bryce.




It all felt like a dream. A God like man stood in front of me, kissed my hand and promised to meet again. I know this cannot happen. I am not that lucky. I know the time spent with him will be a distant memory. A memory to cherish for life. And I will. A lone tear escaped my eye at the thought of never meeting him again. Why is this happening with me? Why I feel like some part of me went missing when he left. I really need to get a hold of myself.
                       ~    ~    ~
So everyone....... The wait is over!! Bryce is in the house!!

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