Chapter 4

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"Oh so you mean Dimitri will spend most of his time with Eva now." Ashley said with a sad expression.

"Don't be sad Ash. Everything will be alright." I tried to console her. I always knew that she likes Dimitri more than a friend and Eva wants him as well. He never showed any signs of attraction towards Ashley. I think some things aren't meant to be. Just like me finding my other half!

"No Anika! Nothing will be alright. Eva will charm him. You know Ani, I've always liked Dimitri. But he didn't. I can't help my feelings for him, I can't watch any other girl take him away. It hurts Ani... it hurts." Ashley said sobbing. I did the only thing I thought was right at that moment..... I geve her a tight hug while she cried in my arms. I murmured soothing words to calm her soothing heart.

As Dimitri said, he hardly spends any time with us. Ashley was effected by it a lot. She couldn't stand the sight of Dimitri and Eva together. The rumors were that he and Eva are dating. But I know it's not true. He is just trying to cheer her up. But Ashley's heart is breaking in the process. I want to help her. I want to slap Dimitri straight to his face and tell him to go and talk to Ashley. But I can't. He is just helping Eva and doesn't know about Ashley's feelings.


"Ash let's go shopping, we need to buy clothes for our trip to that plantation. Hurry up!" I said trying to cheer up her mood.

"Wait a minute, Let me change."

"Yeah! Just hurry up." I really don't know why but I have a very strange feeling about visiting the plantation..... Not a bad strange, a good strange, like something is going to change that day. So I'm always very excited whenever I think about that day to come. I want to look my best that day.

"Let's go!" Ashley said cheerfully.

We spent our entire day shopping, clicking pictures, eating and having fun.

Finally at night I came back to my house. I changed into my night clothes, made coffee and looked out from my open window, enjoying the view of the beautiful castle. I always wonder who lives in that castle. Does Alexander Wilhem live there? How is he like? The insides if the castle would surely be grand. I would really like to visit that castle one day. I'm sure it will take a whole day to take a trip of that castle. The view of it is magical from my window.

The cool night breeze touched my exposed skin and blew my hair lightly. I suddenly felt someone's steady gaze on me. I looked around but found no one. But what disturbed me the most was along with that steady gaze, I felt a sudden feeling of warmth and calm. As if love was coming towards me in waves. I'm just being paranoid I guess. This is all because of lack of feeling of affection from a lover I guess.


Today there were a few new admissions in college. Ashley was not in her sulky mood today. I think she came into terms with Dimitri being with Eva. Dimitri was as usual glued to Eva's side. At least he still has the decency to wave at us. I really miss my sweet, caring Dimitri. Poor Ashley. I can't even Imagine what she feels like. Ian and Adrian still talk to us. Our bond is stronger than before. They said that Eva is fooling Dimitri, but he just doesn't listen.

I got a call from mom, they are coming to visit me! YAY! I'm so happy. I wish Aria was with them too. I miss her so much.

Ashley was not feeling well after lunch. She wanted to go home. I couldn't drop her as I don't have a vehicle. We both travel in the college bus as Dimitri now goes with Eva. Her condition was getting worse minute by minute.

"Oh God Ash! Wait here, I'll go and find someone to drop you home." I said. I was myself panicked.

"No! no! Anika I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Ash said to reassure me.

"Oh God! What happened Ashley?" Dimitri came running towards us as he saw Ashley sitting down against a wall. She was not even able to stand.

Dimitri held her chin to make her look at him.

"You don't look fine Ashley. Let's take you to the doctor and then I'll drop you home, okay!" He said. Worry clear on his face.

"Bu-but Eva....." Ashley started to protest but he cut her off.

"No ifs and buts Lee. I'm taking you with me and that's final! Anika inform Eva that I won't be able to drop her home today please!" he said to me.

" Ofcourse! Take care Ash.... bye!" I replied.

With that he took Ashley with him. Well at least they'll spend some time together now. The way Dimitri got worried for Ash made me think that maybe he cares for her, but then again he even cared for Eva. You are so different Dimitri!

I was sitting in my room, taking in the beautiful view of the castle and thinking about Dimitri and Ashley. I would love to see them both together but now Eva is also in the picture. Suddenly that strange feeliung of warmth returned. Why am I feeling like this? What is wrong with me? I stared at the castle. There is something about the castle that draws me towards it. There is an invisible force that is pulling me towards it. I glanced down towards my garden, I never really explored the land around my house. I will visit the garden but later. Now, it's time for my beauty sleep.
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