Chapter 5

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The next day when I saw Ashley I ran towards her.

"Ash! How are you feeling now? You should really rest you know. Take a day off." I said. She should not over exert herself.

"I'm fine Nika! Don't worry about me." Ashley said.

"What did the doctor say?"

"He said this is because of stress. I really don't know what stress he is talking about!" She exclaimed.

"Oh! But I know you are stressed about Dimitri-Eva situation." I answered.

"I don't know what are you talking about Anika."

"Don't lie to me Ash! I know you like Dimitri more than a friend, you freaking admitted it yourself."

"So what do I do now?" she asked. Sadness evident in her voice.

"Tell him how you feel Ash! Then only you'll know that you stand a chance or not."

"Easier said than done Anika."

"I know Ash. But it's worth a try."

"I will tell him, but not right now."

"Okay! Tell him when you're comfortable. But don't take too long."

"Yes I'll keep that in mind."

We both then walked to our class. There were 2 empty seats. One besides Adrian and other beside a new guy. His name is Caleb I guess. His skin is fair, blonde spiked hair and light blue eyes and overall a handsome looking guy. He smiled as Ash shook his hand. Our teacher was late to the class, it's already 15 minutes late and the classroom is full of chatter, we decided to leave.

"Ash let's go to canteen, Adrian will be there too, he just went to search for Ian."

"I have to show Caleb around the campus, I'll join you later okay."

"Okay! Fine by me. See you late then." I bid her goodbye and sat on a bench waiting for the guys to arrive. Suddenly Dimitri and Eva sat beside me.

"Hey Nika! How are you doing?" Dimitri asked but he was looking around as if searching for someone.

"I'm doing fine. You say."

"I'm also doing good. So where is everybody else?" Dimitri asked sounding curious. I wonder what is the deal with him!

"Adrian and Ian will be here in a minute." I told him.

'Uhh.... and where is Ashley?" oh!

"She is with Caleb."

"Caleb who?" Dimitri asked concerned.

"He is a new student and she is giving him a tour of the campus."

"She is not well and now she is giving a tour to some new guy, you should've stopped her! She should not exert herself like this." He said annoyed.

"Whoa! Calm down tiger! She is fine and Caleb is there with her, no need to worry." I reassured him.

"So you are telling me that some new guy, that doesn't even know this place properly can take care of her! Are you serious!" Dimitri nearly yelled.

"What is wrong with you Dimitri? Why suddenly you care so much? It's her choice if she wanted to go with Caleb. You have no right to shout at me. You lost that right when you started to ignore us!" I also said getting annoyed with him. What the hell is his problem?

"Look who is here..... The great Dimitri." Adrian teased him while taking a seat beside me and Ian sat next to him.

"Oh, you all are here.... Great!" Ashley exclaimed. Caleb was standing next to her holding her hand, clearly she was dragging him all around the campus. Dimtri's eyes zeroed on where their hands were joined and he frowned. Is he jealous? Whoa!

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