Chapter 6

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As promised Adrian came over at 7. We sat at my backyard and admired it's beauty.

"Your house is beautiful Greene!" Adrian complemented.

"Thanks dude! Now come on tell what's the matter with Ian!" I said, curious to know.

"He really gets mad when he sees Dimitri and Eva together. He is literally a fan boy when it comes to her." I gasped at this but motioned him to continue.

"He likes her since high school. But never got the courage to tell her. I personally think Ian is way too good for Eva. She doesn't deserve him. But he thinks Dimitri is interested in Eva, which is not true at all. So yeah he keeps on sulking."

"WOW! This is too much to take in."

"Yeah, I know."

"Life is so complicated! Ashley likes Dimitri but doesn't tell him because she thinks he likes Eva, Dimitri likes Ashley but doesn't want to admit but goes all possessive when she is with Caleb, Ian likes Eva but thinks Dimitri and Eva are together."

"Oh boy! This is some serious shit if someone else listens." Adrian said holding his head.

"Love is not that easy... now is it!" I said.

"You know Greene, I never really understand the concept of Love." Adrian said.

"I haven't experienced it, but I think I have an idea about love." I said.

"Oh! Is that so? Tell me then." Adrian scooted a little closer to me and looked directly into mu eyes. His gaze made me a little uncomfortable.

"Umm..... I think love is when there is no question left in your mind about your feelings for your partner. When they are the one one whose face you want to see when you wake up in the morning and when you go to sleep, when your heart has accepted them completely with their qualities and flaws!" I said.

"WOW! You really think deep Anika." He said while putting a strand of hair behind my ear and cupping my cheek with his palm.

"Adrian!" I whispered.

"I want you to feel what it is like to be loved Anika." He said. His face was few inches away from mine. Then he leaned in. Oh God! Is he going to kiss me? Am I going to have my first kiss? His lips were about to touch mine, but then we heard a loud, vicious growl and we froze. Adrian pulled away quickly and we looked around to see where that growl came from, but there was nothing and no one. I was relieved that he didn't kiss me. I want my first kiss to be special. Adrian is a good guy but we are nowhere near lovers.

"It's getting late Adrian, I think you should leave."

"Yeah! I'll see you tomorrow, bye!" with that he left.

It was 8:30 now. Mom and Dad will come around 10 o'clock. I better prepare something for them, as the cook is on leave for 3 days.

My parents arrived at 10:30.

"MOM! DAD!" I squealed and ran towards them. I was so happy to see them.

"I missed you so much!" I started sobbing while holding onto them in a tight embrace.

"Oh honey! We missed you too!" Mom said and kissed my temple.

"How are you babygirl?" my Dad asked hugging me tight.

"I'm good Dad! Now better that you both are here." I smiled.

We talked for a little while and then went to bed. Mom and Dad were tired because of the long flight.

The next day Mom prepared breakfast for me. It feels so good when I eat the food, it feels like eternity when my Mom cooked for me. Then Caleb and Ashley arrived to pick me up. They greeted my Mom and Dad and then left with me. But the way Caleb was looking at me today was different. As if he realised something about me, there was a look of admiration and awe in his eyes. It was like he saw some magic happen for the first time.


We were in our painting class when Mr. Hale announced that we will go to the plantation on Friday. Finally! We'll stay there for 3 days.

"I want you all to be on your best behaviour! I don't want Mr. Wilhem to think you all are some spoilt brats." Mr. Hale instructed us.

"Who is Mr. Wilhem actually?" as soon as the question left my mouth, Caleb's head snapped towards me. Now what is wrong in asking a question?

"It's Alexander Wilhem, to be more specific." Mr. Hale answered.

"Can't we know more about this Alexander Wilhem?" I blurted out loud.

"I see you have some interest in Mr. Wilhem Anika." Mr. Hale smirked.

"Uhh... what? No no! why will I have interest in an old man?" I said that aloud again and then blushed. Way to go Anika!

"he is not as old as you think! You'll find out yourself." Mr. Hale said and then left.

At lunch Adrian came to me.

"We need to talk Greene!" He said, tensed.

"Yes we do."

We then to the huge playground of our college and sat at a corner.

"Look Greene, I know that was too early and strange for you that I tried to kiss you and I'm sorry for that, but I needed to tell you that i like you a lot and want to be with you." Adrian spoke up without any break.

"Calm down Adrian! I'm not mad at yoy okay! It just all happened so fast."

"Thank God! I thought you will not even look at me again. I just want to know that do I stand a chance with you?"

"Your confession came out of nowhere Adrian. You are a nice guy and above all, you are my friend! I think we both need time to know each other better before coming to a conclusion." I told him softly.

"You're right Greene! And I respect your decision. So we'll get to know each other properly first." Adrian said.

"Sounds good!"

Rest of the days passed by as blur. Dimitri started coming back to our group, and to be honest, it was good to have him back. He made sure Ashley did not spend much time with Caleb. Adrian and I spend the evenings at a nearby park, just talking and knowing about each other. Sometimes I felt a really strong presence near us but never saw anyone. And then it was FRIDAY! The day to visit the plantation.

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Hey readers! I would really like to know what do you think about the story so far. Are there any improvements you want me to make? Do you think Adrian and Anika will end up together?

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