A Different Beginning ~ Part 1 ~ Updated 12/21/14 Early Evening

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A Different Beginning ~ Part 1 ~ Updated 12/21/14 Early Evening

** POV: Sang **

My hair damp from the rain I continued to walk briskly through the droplets that continued to hit the poncho that really did nothing to protect me. Breathing in and out slowly, I watch as my breath slowly painted the air in front of me. Fidgeting with the bag on my shoulder I continued to push through my hands numb from the cold. 

I am almost there. Just a couple of more steps. I will be by myself. I won’t have to listen to her. Just a couple more steps.

Suddenly a soft padding sounded in front of me and I froze. They were fast but quieter than a voice off in the distance. “Max!” 

Who is max? 

A couple of seconds later I found out as paws hit me hard in the stomach sending me toppling to the ground. A soft wet breath in my ears sounded as the dog barked to his master. Pain seared through my side and my hands tears sparking in my eyes. I coughed softly and tried to push the dog off but he wouldn’t budge. Shaking I continued to try getting light headed. 

“Max! Max get off her!!” The voice yelled and a male stepped into view. Max hopped off my chest allowing me time to suck in what little air I could into my lungs. Max barked at his master wanting to be acknowledged. There were hands suddenly on my sides pulling me up off the concrete. 

I continued to cough and felt a strong chest against my back. “Breath…” The soft voice whispered into my ear sending fireworks off in my chest and lighting my face up. One of his hands wrapped around stomach now. Thoughts flashed through my head my mother’s voice raking through my memories. 

People lie. People lie all the time. Never trust them. Especially boys. If you speak to one never believe a single thing they say. Never follow them.

Instantly I started to pull away from the male’s touch. I coughed and my legs shook as I pulled out of the warmth from the other. “Are you okay?” I felt the other start to move closer and I moved away pushing away stumbling a little. 

He instantly put his hands up. “Easy.” There was a crack of lightning and thunder lighting up the sky. I spotted black rimmed classes and light brown hair plastered to the other’s face from the rain. He was taller than me making him about 6’. His eyes focusing in on me and I backed up again as he took a step forward. 

“I’m sorry. You are hurt…” He whispered lightly pointing out my hands. Max barked by the other bringing me back. “Come to my house let me clean up your wounds.” He whispered leaning forward lightly offering a hand. 

I hesitated and slowly took his hand with my fingers being cautious. He picked up my bag slowly and started to head across the road to the house lit up. Max barked and followed. I stumbled a long. Lightning cracked again over my head and clarity seemed to hit. 

What if mom was right? 

Tears pricked and I pulled my hand easily out of his grip and ran. My legs shaking as I did. “Wait!” I heard Max barking loudly. I heard foot steps following me and I ran faster. My body shook as I approached my driveway the light from the outside of the house may legs shaking. I turned and saw the male at the bottom of the driveway. 

“Please..” I heard him call and I just backed away terrified. He didn’t look that bad he could have been only a year or two older than me but could I take that chance. 

Was I going to take a chance? For once in my life am I actually going to do something that Mom didn’t suggest. Was I going to be defiant like she actually thought I was? I was already out of the house when my mother sent me to my room. 

The male stood in the rain watching me and I felt the heat rise in my face. Why wasn’t he leaving. I then saw him shift a little and put my bag down at the edge of the driveway. 

Shoot! He had my bag. I had forgotten completely. My fingers instantly found my lips. Some lights flashed on in the house across the street distracting the male for an instant. I rushed forward grabbing the bag. I was inches away from the male and could smell his spicy sent. My breath hitched and I pulled the bag back onto my shoulder. His hand caught mine. 

“Wait! Please let me tend to your wounds. I’m sorry I don’t mean to scare you! I promise.” His voice was like a melody drawing me in. 


The lightning flashed once again and there was more sounds of foot prints. I dashed back to the house and slipped inside ignoring the barking of the dog. I was in my room in a second shaking hard.

I peered out my window onto the street below the male still standing their his eyes wide and he slowly went back to his house. I wanted to scream. Why hadn’t I had gone with him. Why? Why hadn’t I had just taken his help? I felt like I had just made the biggest mistake of my life as I watched him walk away in the rain. Tears slipped down my cheeks as I placed a hand to the cold glass of the window and quickly pulled it away and pain shot up my hand from the scrapes. I was back in my cage. Just like a bird.

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