A Different Beginning ~ Part 45 ~ Updated: 1/30/15 Evening

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A Different Beginning ~ Part 45 ~ Updated: 1/30/15 Evening

Sitting between Mr. Blackbourne and Victor I listened to everything that the others were talking about just casually drifting from conversation to conversation. Kota talked to Nathan about a teacher in the school and they were comparing it to how different things were and what needed to change. North and Silas talked a little in greek and from their gestures I figured it was about the restaurant, Gabriel chimed in however, getting annoyed that they weren't talking in English to allow him to add to the conversation. North smirked at this sending Gabriel into a swearing fit causing Mr. Blackbourne to jump into the conversation to scold both of them causing a small smile to appear on Silas's face. Dr. Green talked with Luke as he cracked jokes about school and Dr. Green added in his own spit fire. As I glanced to Victor I found him looking at me and he smiled his brown eyes ablaze with sparks. 

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned squeezing my hand. 

"Just listening." I smiled a faint blush appearing on my cheeks.

"No. I could see those wheels turning around in your head." I smirked giggling a little and he knocked his shoulder into mine, gently. 

"I was just thinking about how close everyone is to each other." I shrugged and was glad that the horrible waiter was coming over with another waiter, this one male, carrying our food. To my surprise his eyes met mine and a soft smile hit his lips. I glanced at his name tag, Henry. I smiled back politely and as they put the different dishes in front of us. Mine was not in the group. 

My hand rushed to my lip as I met Haley's eyes and I could feel the horrible glare rush through my body. Glancing down I took a breath not going to say anything when the male waiter stepped forward. "Did you order anything?" He looked surprised and confused. I quickly met his eyes smiling softly, ignoring the death glare from Haley. 

"Yes. A slice of cheese pizza." I responded quickly and he wrote it down nodding. 

"I'm on it." He winked and I smiled reassured. As the two stepped away the entire table was silent. I glanced around and everyone was either looking at me or following the male waiter back down the aisle. 

"Sang who was that?" North growled looking at me and I frowned unsure why he was aggravated. 

I shrugged looking down playing with my napkin, slipping my hand out of Victors and carefully placing it on my lap. Victor placed a hand on my shoulder. "Princess?" 

"I don't know." I looked confused.

Mr. Blackbourne's eyes widened and he glanced at me and Dr. Green bit his lip watching. "Did I do something wrong?" My eyes met each of the others trying to figure out what was going on. 

"Why the fucking hell were you flirting with him?" Gabriel asked his voice also low and this time my eyes widened in surprise.

"Wh-what?" I could barely speak meeting Gabriel's eyes filled with hurt and I could feel pain rush through my body. Did they really not trust me?

"You were totally flirting with him." Luke responded and I swear my eyes would have popped out of my head if I had opened my eyes any farther. Haley appeared at that moment and my eyes met hers as she smiled to the boys who smiled back and I quickly stood. Haley looked stunned and Victor caught my hand. 

"Bathroom." I yanked my hand away quickly and moved down the hallway and into the bathroom. I latched the door and took a very slow breath steadying myself as I tried to calm down. My stomach clenched and I quickly leaned against the door breathing in and out. 

“A hired girl.” The words echoed in my ears and tears slipped down my cheeks as I tried to gain my breath. Placing my hands on the stall I felt myself shaking terribly hard and my breath caught in my chest. Did they believe that? "You are a stupid whore!"

The door to the bathroom opened and there was a light tapping sound on the door. “Princess…” I rushed to open the door shaking hard and he quickly wrapped his arms around me pulling me tight against his chest. “Oh princess…” He caught my cheek looking at me and I glanced away unable to meet his eyes as I cried. Victor pulled me close and placed a very soft kiss on my forehead. 

My chest shook in pain and I took a very slow breath. Victor’s hands tightened around me and he lightly slipped his hands around my chest holding me. “I saw with the waiter… North didn’t notice neither did Gabriel… Please breath easy…” He whispered leaning down quickly holding me tight. I tried to still my breaths but it continued to cause pain. Victor quickly slipped his hands under me and lifted me onto the counter caressing my cheek softly. I felt him tremble under my fingers as I wheezed and he lightly placed a cool cloth on my cheek. Leaning forward quickly I rested my head on his neck trembling. 

“No-not hi-hired…” Tears slipped down my cheeks and his eyes widened instantly as he put the pieces together. Pain slipped into his voice as he rushed to explain. 

“Princess no please! Princess you are nothing like that.” He shifted me into his arms as my breathing became ragged and pulled out his phone. “Doc… we need to go.” Tears trickled down my cheeks as we left the restaurant and stepped into Mr. Blackbourne’s car. 

Dr. Green sat in the back,slowly took me from Victor laying me down in the seat he rested my head in his lap his fingers rushing over my chest. I wheezed in pain and closed my eyes. By the time we stopped, my breathing was back to normal. I stepped out of the car and realized I was at Kota’s. Victor tried to pick me up but I moved out of his reach moving down the road to my house. 

No one stopped me. No one called my name. No one seemed to care.

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