A Different Beginning ~ Part 50 ~ Updated: 2/5/15 Late evening

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A Different Beginning ~ Part 50 ~ Updated: 2/5/15 Late evening

The afternoon slowly began to settle down after the ice cream had been digested and a few arguments about what to watch but everyone was curled up in the living room area blankets covering pairs. I glanced out the large glass sliding door and watched the rain fall. It was really relaxing to listen to the soft pattering with the others. I closed my eyes once and a while trying to rest with Gabriel the noise of his heart beat combining with the rain. His warm breath stayed in my ear and his hands by my side keeping me close to his chest. 

There was light chatter from the group, Mr. Blackbourne commenting to Dr. Green about the shows or shifting to gather plates and go clean up from lunch. Luke's hands massaged my feet once and a while keeping them warm. He watched me carefully and I always gave him smile in return trying to reassure him. 

It was around one when the pain medication started to fade once more.  The soreness creeped into my sides and the pain stung my chest. Gabriel shifted under me and I softly wheezed. Lightly touching his side, his eyes met mine in question and I wheezed out again. His hand slipped too my chest helping me sit up. Luke glanced over and he quickly looked to Dr. Green. 

"Doc" Luke called. 

Dr. Green glanced up from a book and then looked to me. I managed a weak smile and he shifted forward placing a hand on my side. "Sore?" I nodded quickly and he readjusted me slightly. "It hasn't been long enough." 

"I can manage." I whispered and Gabriel rubbed my back slowly. 

"Trouble..." He warned and I glanced to him and then down to the floor. 

Luke glanced over to Mr. Blackbourne who was focusing on us as well his face stern. "Can she take a bath? That might help." 

Mr. Blackbourne smiled nodding and looked to me. I couldn't help but smile. A bath did sound amazing and it would help my soreness. I flashed back to a few times where I used to crawl into a bath after a beating from my mother. 

Gabriel's hands found my sides and he slowly brought me back with a quick kiss to my cheek. "No disappearing on us." He whispered and I hid my face. He had noticed. Pushing the memories out of the way I glanced up. Luke now stood in front of me his arms extended. Taking his hands, I stood. Some of the others about the room shifted as well. 

"Baby?" North glanced over.

"I am going to take a bath North Star." I smiled and he nodded sending me a smile back. I didn't mention the pain knowing he would have started to yell even when there was nothing that he could have done. 

Climbing the two steps slowly up to the kitchen landing was painful but manageable. Dr. Green lead the way down a hall where a little powder room was located before we reached the stair landing. 

Making it about halfway up the steps, I had to pause trying to keep up as much as possible. I was weak and that put me even farther behind the boys. Straightening myself once more, I forced myself up the rest of the steps. Dr. Green glanced back and I smiled as I reached the top a heart beat after him. Smiling, he brought me down the hallway and to the second door on the right. 

Placing my hand on the door and pushing it slightly, it opened to reveal a comfortable size guest  bathroom with a double sink. Smiling, I shifted to the bath turning the water on warm and turning. Gabriel had appeared in the doorway. "Okay Trouble. This is seriously the last outfit that I had ready for you. When you get out we need to head to the store." Moving forward slowly I nodded taking the clothes and then leaned forward placing a kiss on his cheek. 

"Thank you Meanie." I smiled softly. "Thank you for keeping an eye out." Gabriel smiled and rustled my hair. 

"Any time Trouble. Don't you dare wash your hair." He warned before he stepping out of the bathroom and I closed the door locking it. Leaning against the door I took a few cautious breaths before removing the super cozy pajamas. I moved very slowly into the bath the warmth instantly helping my joints and I curled up in the warmth soaking as much as possible. 

But the warmth didn't hold back the comfort for long because the wheezing came back tenfold. Gripping the side of the bath I tried to ignore it trying to rest just a bit more.

After a half hour, I slowly got out of the warmth draining the bath before drying off and slipping on the clean underwear. I held my breath for as long as possible trying to keep the pain away. Dawning some tight black jeans and a long gray sleeved shirt with a wide neck line showing off the black tank top that I wore underneath I took another slow breath but the wheezes became more prominent. Slipping on some fuzzy gray socks, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before moving to the door and opening it. 

Gabriel leaned against the wall across from the door and his eyes met mine as I opened the door. "Trouble?" His eyes searched mine and he caressed my cheek. "Let's get your hair done." I smiled nodding holding my breath once more. 

Sitting still, Gabriel worked through my hair washing it and rinsing. I let out small breaths trying my hardest to hide the pain. Biting my lip I held back more wheezes as he blow dried my hair. I refused to give in sitting still. I wanted to be strong. I could be strong.

Gabriel lead me to the stairs, once finished, but I stopped as the world blurred and I had to concede. "Mean.." I managed and clung to the banister but he didn't stop. I took a weak breath. "Gabe." I said a little louder. He paused and Gabriel's eyes grew as he saw that I hadn't moved. Instantly, he was back to my side his arms rushing around me. 

"Sang.... Sang..." His voice was rough as he slipped his hands to me guiding me to sit on the top step as I sucked in weaker breaths. 

"Pl-please.." I wheezed and curled into his chest as he took my pulse. I didn't want him to cause a scene. 

His eyes were pained as he carefully held me still. "I need to call them over. Your pulse is thready. " He whispered. The world spun and I fell into his chest. "SILAS!!" He screamed. I curled into Gabriel's chest sucking in weak breaths. Silas appeared at the landing his eyes wild. 

"Gabe back up." He rushed up the steps two at a time his hands touching my sides instantly. I flinched and Silas knelt. "Aggele." His eyes rushed over me with worry and I wheezed harder as I slowly moved into his arms shaking. Gabriel rushed down the steps.

"BABY?" North yelled from downstairs and Silas glanced back before looking to me. 

I wheezed shaking. "I didn't want *wheeze* to cause *wheeze* trouble." I managed having tried to wait. 

Silas's eyes widened and instantly he slipped his hands around me lifting me very slowly into his arms. I clung forcing breaths and he held the back of my head as he moved down the stairs. "Silas.." North's voice was quieter. 

"Doc." Silas said his voice full of anger ignoring North completely. Surprised I looked up and he tightened his hold around me as I wheezed. "Doc she is in pain and you didn't give her anything?" His voice was deadly and I saw North go pale. 

"She can't take to many at once Silas. You know this." Dr. Green sounded surprised and worried. 

"She is barely breathing SEAN!" Silas's voice broke. "SHE COULDN'T MAKE IT DOWN THE STAIRS!!" 

It was dead silent and my wheezes could clearly be heard. "Sang..." Dr. Green appeared in sight and his hand touched my chest. Tears slipped down my cheeks. 

"Sorry *wheeze* I *wheeze* tired to *wheeze* wait." Dr. Green's eyes widened in pain reaching out but Silas tightened his arms around me almost as if he was trying to protect me from Dr. Green. 

The world blurred again and as I blacked out, Dr. Green looked like a car had hit him.

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