A Different Beginning ~ Part 12 ~ Updated: 12/29/14 Early Evening

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A Different Beginning ~ Part 12 ~ Updated: 12/29/14 Early Evening

**POV: Mr. Blackbourne**

Watching the boys and Sang walk away I moved over to the couch to sit down with Sean. The male looked stunned watching everyone walk off before he turned meeting my eyes. He ran a hand through his hair taking a breath. I quickly sent a message to Kota. 

Mr. Blacbourne: Try and get her to stay for dinner. She get really nervous when we mentioned sending her back. 

I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket. “Did you see her handle that situation?” Sean whispered stunned as his hair fell back into place. 

“She knew exactly what to do with Mr. Korba. She didn’t hesitate and fixed her mistake making him feel better and continued to hold his hand… Sean she is a natural with the boys. She doesn’t even know it.” I responded shifting a little. 

“She was stunning as well. Gorgeous. I have never seen anyone that startling. Even with all of those bruises.” His face grew serious and he met my eyes. “Owen, she had a number of scars on her body from years of previous abuse. We have to help her.” Sean admitted and my eyes widened soaking in this information. 

“We will.” I promised meeting his eyes in return. “The boy’s have never been so struck by someone, myself included. When I was talking with her… something just clicked. She was calm and collected but at the same time took things a step at a time. She wanted to know what I thought before she even spoke. And even with Mr. Coleman she seemed to change how she reacted. She knew instinctively what each one of them needed.” My eyes swept over the spot where she had stood only moments before in shorts and a t-shirt. “She is so small.” I whispered. 

“95 pounds Owen. 95. North could probably lift her with one hand, Silas as well.” And I smiled a little thinking about this and how she would laugh. 

“I think we may need a family meeting a bit sooner than we thought about her.” I remarked and felt a vibration from my inner coat pocket. Slipping my hand into my front pocket I fished out my cell phone. 

Kota: She just took off. 

Stunned I rushed to reply. Typing madly. Sean stopped and glanced over. “Owen?” 

Mr. Blackbourne: Report. 

I stood shifting a little. “Owen?” Sean was now shifting and had placed a hand on my shoulder. 

“Kota just messaged that she took off.” I whispered stunned and then felt the vibrations of my phone and I answered instantly. 

“Mr. Lee…” I responded and my eyes widened as I heard three voices on the other end talking at the same time. One of them was Erica and Kota in the background. 

“Mr. Blackbourne.” Nathan responded and I heard him shifting out of the room. 

“Mr. Griffin report.” I responded and Sean shifted. My eyes flicked up and I gently waved him over to the couch to sit knowing he was exhausted. I put my phone down and put it on speaker for him to hear taking a seat next to him.

“We had pulled into Kota’s driveway” Nathan started the background noises shifting farther away “and the car was open. Erica and Jessica were unloading groceries. Victor and I helped her out of the car but she froze as Erica and Jessica came from the house. She reached out for Kota and then took off. I had caught her easily at the end of the driveway and she was close to tears. I reassured her and Kota stepped forward trying to get her to stay for dinner. Mr. Blackbourne she begged him to let her return home. Kota couldn’t say no, she was shaking so badly.” Nathan took a shaky breath. “God I wish I had made her stay. I told her I was right across the street but she looked so pale.” 

“How was she in the car ride Nathan?” Sean spoke up his hands twisting in his lap. 

“Victor and Kota were in front and she sat in my lap for the car ride. She looked a little uncomfortable for a bit but she settled and curled into my chest. She rested quietly the rest of the ride.” Nathan responded. 

“Doc..” Victor’s voice sounded through the phone. “She looked a little pale on the ride home. She didn’t say anything when Nate asked how she was feeling.” 

Nathan swore and my eyes widened my mind racing around. “I didn’t notice.” Nathan relied pulling himself under control. 

“Mr. Griffin, Mr. Morgan did she get home okay?” I cleared my dry throat. 

“She did. She slipped in through the back.” Victor responded. “Her parents are just pulling in the driveway.” 

“Thank you boys.” Sean responded as I tried to control myself. “Keep an eye out for her tomorrow.” I hit the end button and my eyes shot to Sean who was looking at me. 

“I think it might be the mother.” I whispered and Sean nodded agreeing. 

“She seemed to be taken aback by Erica and probably was nervous about her appearance and rushed off because of it.” Sean whispered his mind racing. My hand caught his hands as they continued to shift stopping them. 

“Kota and Nathan will continue to watch the house for the rest of the night and we will see her tomorrow.” I whispered and he nodded letting exhaustion take over. “Let me take you home?” 

He nodded and together we headed to the door my mind continued to focus on that small girl with the spark of fire.

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