The secret life. chapter 53. The life of a Timelord.

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The next day I got up with the Doctor another usual school day. we hated waking up so early to go to school where all my enemys were surrounding me. When I got to my waiting place where I wait for the bus I listened to my favorite song again. Coldplay. I got lost in the music I just stared at the empty silent room and thought. My mind drifted to Ashley and how Rani was doing something to hurt her. Forcing her into a regeneration where she doesn't change, or so she says. I couldn't push the thoughts about my best friend being at the mercy of Rani in lots of pain. Those kinds of things are exactly the things she could do to me. I was Terrified.

I thought "I am a timelord and this is my life. But I don't know what to do. My enemys could have the power to do what ever they want to me and my Friends. Im scared, terrified. What if they do things like that to me? In the future where would I be? Shackled to an experimenting table going through extreme pain. How will we ever get through this? This is a timelords life I have, facing enemys , always in danger but what if you are terrified? What if you are so scared and worried for your friends and family, that you would accept that suffering? But yet so scared that you don't know what to do?" My thoughts went over all the different things that I was so afraid of ,I knew I shouldn't give in to fear but I was terrified. Rani's threats the pain Ashley was in, the visions of fear from the future. Would I have to go through the same? Or would it be worse? Would I be able to be strong? To take that suffering for my friends? Yes I always would. But was I strong enough to? Even when I'm terrified? I found myself in the same position and thoughts as the night before, terrified sad and not sure what to do, just empty and needing someone to encourage me. But no one was there but the tenth Doctor, I needed his help emotionally and he sensed i did. So he talked to me.

"Katrina I know you're scared but you're strong, you're brave. I know you are scared now and it's true we are all scared. Rani has Trapped us, cornered us, limited us to being able to do nothing but it won't be like that forever, we will get through this and when that day comes you need to be strong. You are my daughter you are extrodinary. You may feel like you have no way out of this situation but you do. We may be helpless now but we won't be forever. I promise you after this is all over you will have such a wonderful life with me. We will go so many places but none of that matters what does matter is that you will be with me. Safe in each other's arms. I tried keeping you safe so many days but they've caught up to us they've made us helpless, they attack our friends and they threaten to hurt you. I promise you I will stop them. We just have to wait out the storm do the best we can to stay safe and stay strong. I'm with you every step of the way. You are my Daughter and you are strong ,extrodinary and brave. you and I and all of us will get through this."
The Doctors words spoke right into me it was just what I needed. It's true our enemies had us helpless trapped and terrified each day was counting down to that fateful fixed point day. We had no escape but the Doctor words encouraged me. It gave me strength I didn't think I could have then. We were hurting but we weren't hurt. We were losing but we weren't lost. We may be down this day but we will rise up and stop them. The Doctor was right. We just had to hold on and stay strong riding out the storm and waiting for that right moment when we would triumph. Together with timelords united we would stand. That day was aproching fast we had to be ready. And we would. Staying strong and standing together. We would get through this. We weren't defeated yet. And we weren't going to be anytime soon. We will stop them.

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