The secret life. chapter 52 The return of Rani

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     It was wensday for the most part I was having a good day. When i got home no one was on except  Ashley so I decided  to chat with her. As we were talking  Ashley  said she didn't  feel too well all of a sudden  dizzy  and feeling like she couldn't breath. "Feeling  like you can't breath? That's never good" suddenly 

Ashley blurt out "I-I've got three voices other than me in my head and I don't want ANY of them! I still feel dizzy"  The Doctor  and I were about to reply but then we got another message. But it wasn't from Ashley. Three voices at once answered first Rani then the 11th Doctor  who was now back in Ashleys  head and Ashleys  crush. "Well hello dear.Im back,Did you miss me? How does this even work!We're going to drive Ashley  insane!GET OUT OFF SILVER'S HEAD RANI!"

       All of them talking at once was a bit overwhelming  but the one I hated the most at being there was Rani. She was not welcome  there. I was suprised  and mad at the same time pretty  sure I was trying  to glare at Rani through  the screen. It reminded me of the times at the school  when I would  just walk out of one of my classes and by suprise Rani would  pass by or be right there. It would  suprise my but quickly put me on alert. "What! Rani!?" She answered "Yes,didn't you hear me?I'm back."  " GET OUT OF SILVERS HEAD RANI!NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE!" Ashleys crush yells.  "I didn't say I was wanted,now did I?" Rani commented. Followed by Ashleys plead for help on the overwhelming  of all of them in her head.  "Katrina.Help."

        I reply  "Yeah you always go where you aren't wanted. What do you want!" Rani answers "I think we should tell the news to the little brats and the intelligent one in the chat.To bad the smart one's not there most likely.I enjoyed her company almost as much as Ashley did.Oh,And I'm just 'passing' by." I scowl at Rani's insults they never had any affect on me, they were just annoying. I was determined  to prove her wrong though but I didn't  bother with it at that moment. I replied  smartly used to Rani's  try to make us parinoid  or frightened  talk. "And what new would that be? More of your threats"

Ashley  Interupted yelling out about how she's feeling  at the moment  "Help.Im going to pass out any second!Im really dizzy and it hurts!It hurts Soo so so badly!"

Rani followed up her distressed comment  "I believe I don't need to threat anymore,love.I should just be here and that'll be enough Im sure."

She was right she didn't  need to threaten us just being there was threatening in its self. Ashleys crush Tristan yelled out "RANI! GET OUT OF ASHLEYS HEAD AND STOP HURTING HER!" i decided  to yell out too not liking  her hurting  my best friend  and fellow timelord. "What are you doing to her! Just stop" I demanded her to tell me but even though  I knew she wouldn't tell me unless she had I reason to.

           The 11th Doctor  yelled out "WOULD YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP FOR A SECOND!" I stopped my yelling  listening  to what the Doctor  and Rani were going to say. Rani continued "And why exactly would I do that?" I didn't  like talking  to Rani who was just here to hurt my friends and taunt so I prompted her "Just tell us what you want." Ashley  yells out in distress  again "GAH! GAH MY HEAD MY HEAD IS HURTING SO MUCH HELP!" Rani speaks up commenting on Ashleys  distress "Oh sweetie,little sweet Ashley.Its only just begun."  Tristan Yells again "STOP THIS!NOW!" Then the Doctor  replies  in a calmly but prompting  manner "Yes,what do you want rani?" "Ashley! How are you? Can you tell what shes doing?" I ask. "No it just really really hurts!GAH MY NECK! MY NECK OW MY NECK." Out of the clues I tried figuring  out what she could  be targeting  based on what was hurting  on Ashleys body. "Nervous  system... Doctor can you do anything? Or can you tell what shes doing?" I asked staying calm and working through  the situation. He answered "I think she tried to go to Dawn's mind,and that's why I couldn't get to Dawn. She couldn't with Dawn so now she's staying with ashley,and instead of threatening you directly she's using Ashleys  pain to do it."

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