The secret life. chapter 51. The family talk

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The next day I got on after school like usual. Me and ten wanted to chat with one person, Alayla. We got on and fortunately she was on. We talked through the day about normal things and then the Doctor remembered something we had to mention to Alayla about what had happened the night before. He started out "Rani was here last night." Alayla asks "Really? What time?" "About ninish." Alayla adds "hmm I was working then.." The Doctor explained "She forced us go go to sleep. After talking Slightly telpathicly. Slightly taunting. First me then katrina. Singling her out like she did today in front of everyone. But no one noticing"

The Doctor finished referring to her singling katrina out in a public school meeting award ceremony at her school for no reason.

Alayla replies "I was in pain last night. I decided to take it up a notch and know when someone is being telepathically invaded, but the thing is that I can't sense who it is. But, the thing is that whenever when someone is telepathically invaded, I feel excruciating pain that I cannot control..." The Doctor answers slightly concerned for Alayla "that's probably not the best thing to do then.." Alayla argued "I know but it is the only way for me to know that something is happening." The Doctor continued "so Rani was watching katrina during the whole ceremony." Alayla continued "Wow. I was singled out by Rani as well..."

The Doctor curious now asks "Really? when." She answers "During my class with her. A whole 1 hour and 20 minutes with her is not fun....."

"It isnt. How'd she single you out? And was it today?" He asks. Alayla describes " She was talking about technology and stuff like that. Then out of no where she asked to talk to me outside of the classroom. Of course, I was terrified. So I slowly followed her and once we got outside she pulled on a creepy smirk, creepier than mine and that's saying something, and then hugged me and said "I'm not done with you yet." Then I said that it was the most cheesiest thing that I have ever heard and we both went into a conversation about cheesy lines for me to find out when she was getting me back. Which was no luck since she sensed me then slapped me and pushed me back into the classroom gently not to cause suspicion. And yes, it was today."
She finished. And me and the Doctor read it over a couple of times. I shuddered at the act of it she did. That experience sounded terrifying. Stuck singled out alone with your worst enemy. I just held that thought in my mind for a few moments that was the most terrifying experience of what I've heard Rani done once. It also didn't help that I knew that nothing could stop her from doing that to me. But I had a worst day coming for me with her. But Dispite the worst day I could not shake that terror feeling off. I sat by while the Doctor continued texting sensing my fear.

"Oh blimey. Katrinas never been singled out like that... That's a nightmare" he stated. Alayla answered "It is. I was so scared to be honest."

The Doctor continued "Though whenever Rani is around katrina always expects to find a frightening note somewhere among her stuff. Who wouldn't be afraid of that. She slapped you?" The Doctor asked having a urge to get mad at Rani for slapping his sister. But he pushed it aside. Alayla replies "yeah she slapped me"

The Doctor commented "ouch! Thats got to hurt. I'm guessing no one was in the halls to see that?" Though I knew most people were oblivious to the whole situation. They wouldn't know even close to what was going on if it was staring them in their face but I didn't say anything. Alayla explains "Nope. She put a field around us so there could be an illustration that we were just talking." The Doctor replies "Hmm that's clever. I really hope she doesn't try that with katrina."

Alayla adds "If she does, I swear I will throw her into space oblivion." "Though if she does do that it most likely would be when she decides to catch her.."

She continues "And laugh at her pain and sorrow. Sorry sadistic side...." The Doctor senses my nervousness as I am still thinking about it, still shuddering. "It's alright. Katrina is now a bit.. nervous.. as it is we don't know when she plans on capturing her"
The rest of that night the Doctor and Alayla talked on about Rani and school work the talked about protecting me and each other it felt good to know someone was looking after me. But they were as scared about the future and safety as I was. They were scared for me and I was Terrified. During thier chat I spent time listening to music. It was always music that helped me the most when I was empty or scared. I had to calm my fear down I was getting to terrified I got stuck on listening to a certain song that described my feelings perfectly. And that song was talk by coldplay. It did help me. But it also made me feel more empty and sad. Wishing for someone to encourage me. I longed to talk with Alayla more but I didn't say it. To empty and terrified to do it. After the Doctor was worried by how terrified he was he mentioned my habit of listening to the same song over and over again feeling my fear and sadness, he went into to father mode to want to help me, being concerned about me. "Yeppido. God I'm not saying that again." Alayla says. The Doctor giggles having an idea. "Alright. Correctamundo." "Oh blimey Don't say that." She replies. The Doctor continues "One word I'm not saying again. But katrina loves that word. Thinks it's fun. But would never say it herself but she thinks it's fun. Unless she's murmuring it to get the fun out of it. Katrina is funny sometimes. Takes after me."

Alayla answers "I can see that"

"So I'm listening to rather sad songs now.. meaningful but sad. Well more of katrina is trying to not be frightened. But sad. She likes the song however makes her think of things. And nervousness and such. She loves the song. However it's Making her sad. She's thinking of you when she listens to it. Her being the one singing it." The Doctor sent a link to the song so she could hear it in an attempt to try to get Alayla to encourage me. She replies to it. " It brings back bad memories...." "Yeah. For her it's fear of the fixed point and the things happening then She keeps listening to it though I tell her not to but she's not listening."

Alayla answers "I know how she feels." The Doctor asks curiously "you do?" I looked at the screen still letting the Doctor talk to her. I felt an energy in my heart when I read what Alayla said I knew she was saying that from her heart. I remembered all the times she had encouraged me with her talks like big sister talks that helped me so much I hoped as the Doctor kept talking he would get Alayla to help me, cause that's what I needed tha moment.

Alayla replies "Yeah. There was a song that hurt me, yet helped me in more ways than one." When she said that the Doctor allowed me to be able to talk I started texting replying to her comments taking anything she said to my heart. "Hurt but helped. Hmm that does sound like this song. With me " Alayla asked if I wanted to hear the song that helped her I was glad to. I wanted to see if I could relate with how she felt. To help encourage me. But I decided to listen to it later wanting to spend that time to talk to her. "You're like a sister to me" she answers "I am your sister.." at this point I was starting to cheer up. I had to go but I kept thinking about my conversation with Alayla it was just a short conversation but it helped and made me think about that instead of my enemys and the terror of the fixed point. It was a welcome encouragement and I longed to have more of it. Alayla would always be the big sister I've always wanted. The one I've always wanted and needed. She was wonderful. The truest friend. So much like me. We were family and it was Beautiful.

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