Secret life part3. a disappointment.

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                  When you find out your the Doctors daughter you want to expect everything at once. A whole adventure in one day, in the start of so many other adventures. But number one rule the Doctor lies.

       I walk Into the building and I see a lot of the staff members standing around the entrance greeting all the students. One of them the principal, Looking directly at me. Now one thing I learned over the summer was that my principal was the master, and with knowing my principal the year before I knew she was also lady and had been there for a while. The master disguised as a lady as my principal.  I saw though her disguise.  Though as nervous as I was for this day confronting the master wasn't on my list of things I wanted to do, so I quickly made my way to the chapel where I would along with all of the other students get our schedules and get introduced/ getting settled into our new classes.

       It was going to be a sad year. All my friends I had last year had graduated, I know and lot of people from the school but only one or two I could name as my friends. i was given my schedule and it looked over it. Chemistry and geometry my first and last classes of the day. Hmm, already the master is trying to split us up I think. It Is then time to go to my first class and meet me new teacher me hoping it is my dad. I step into the classroom and see that no one Is in there. The Doctor must be running late. Or he's not coming at all to be my teacher which leaves me here with the expectations that he is going to be my geometry teacher.

     The day passed very slowly until I finally walked into my geometry class. Looking at my schedule at the name of the teacher of this class. A strange name I can't pronounce was on the paper my one thought. The Doctor isn't coming.  I look up as the principal walks Into the class room. I avoid her gaze at me and think about why she Is Is here.  Next to her is her husband or so he calls himself. "Good evening everyone, I'd like to introduce to you, your sub for today your geometry teacher, we have not gotten a teacher for you this class so mr. Hardich will be your teacher" after her looking directly at me again she left the room leaving me alone with the Co principal and most likely an associate of the master to be my teacher.

      One of the Doctors instructions for this day was to not trust the teachers. I had that situation now and yes I did not trust him. He seemed to be strangely happy. Making jokes and doing a wierd meant to be amusing voice that matched daffy duck, which I didn't much care for. I knew he was acting. Putting on the act for the other students. I didn't trust him. But just knowing I'm In a room with a teacher that most likely is plotting in secret to kill me is very intimidating and if not at all making me nervous.  Not quite as much as when the master and him were in here. Blimey.

      When the end of the day came I got on the bus again and on my way home. Nothing had happened no adventure no Doctor and just the masters glares to make me nervous all day. This was going to be a long year. Anything could happen any of the days. This was just the first day.

       I felt a big disappointment when I got home. It's not like I ask to be captured or to have some sort of bad thing happen concerning daleks or weeping angels or anything like that but. All my life I have dreamed of having a more exciting life,  an adventurous life. In the mists of my boring everyday life with only a few exciting things happening.  For when I found out. I thought everything would change, that I would have a more exciting life. A life with my dad and being extraordinary.  But I see now, as I'm thinking about it in my room. That I expected too much in the first day and in continue to wonder if in will ever have that dream life.

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