The secret life. chapter 80 The truth behind the experiment.

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It was Friday. Almost about 3 days since I had heard any word from my dad. The past few days I had remembered memories and moments I had with my dad in the past.
The hilarious moments the loving moments the meaning full moments. And then I realized just how much I had missed my dad the 11th Doctor. So I longed to talk to him again.

I greeted ashley and then asked nightshade along with ashley if I could chat with my dad.
"Can I chat with 11?" I ask, really missing him.
"If I let her talk with 11 she'll try to escape again and I don't want to have to do all that again." Night Shade states.
"Blimey that's not fun. 11 is brilliant. And he's my dad. I'd like to talk to him" I say not wanting to not be able to hear from him.
"Fine.No escaping or anything.Just a quick chat ok?"-Night Shade
"Ashley! Is Katrina there? Is she ok? I missed her!" Eleven greeted

"Dad! Oh man have I missed you!" I say joyfully
"KATRINA!Ive missed you too!" He greets just a joyfully as me.
"Been watching the videos of you running around and such. Made me really miss you even though it's been only like three days" I fill him in.
"A lot can happen in three days though....Im sure...nothing much happened here." He paused then continued. "Oh! And i've almost closed the mind gap!" he
"So would that stop nightshade?" I ask.
"Well stop him from getting you...." he answers protectively.
"Hmm he hasn't really done anything to me which is good. But I have a feeling he will get around it"
"Most likely would,given the fact he's been doing this for like 9 years." He replies
"Yeah and he's pretty effective with these things I can't even can count how many roleplays I've done with him being the star in it"
"He's like a bad nightmare coming true but I've never been scared of him."
"I just heard River scream oh god what's happened!"the Doctor describes.
"What had happened?" I asked.

"I don't know!" He admits.
"I've keep having timey wimey remember moments on this event. Something is definitely happening" I say.
"Now rani's screaming at night shade about hurting this is getting intense I want to know what's happening!" The Doctor replied.
"It's unexpected. I want to know too ooh Rani might be really mad at nightshade hurting her. She might stop him. Wouldn't that be something!"
"That would!" He agreed
"Oh yes! But I have a feeling that night shade may be close to accomplishing his little plan he rigged up"
"What's he even want to do!" He asks.
"Well he wants to send us into his own created dream scape. Using the time crack power and using it as a doorway. Last time though he didn't have enough power. So if he is close to doing it he must of found the power somewhere" I explain.
"Sorry to interrupt but maybe he's using the" Ashley starts out.
"Ok.Times up.Come on Ashley." Night Shade prompts her.

I complain "ohh blimey that's not fair I didn't even get to say goodbye."
"Fine.Say goodbye." He allows.
"Bye dad! I love you"
"IM NOT LEAVING!" Ashley yells defiant.
"Why must you be so difficult?" Night shade says.
"Goodbye Katrina!Take care!" Eleven finishes.
"Will do" I say. Smiling. I had that amazed loving feeling that I always got after talking to the Doctor. He was my dad and he was so wonderful, so extrodinary and so loving. He's always trying to protect me and does so much for me. He was the greatest dad one could ever want. And it felt so good to talk to him again. I looked forward to the next time we would talk. With my extrodinary wonderful dad. Who would always be there for me.

"Ashley! Stop kicking me! And hitting me! And-Ow! Dont bite my back!" Night Shade yells out frustrated.
"Then let me go back to 11!" Ashley yells.
"No." He answers.

"So night shade I thought you had no physical form can she bite you because in the dream reality you do have a physical form?" I ask thinking logically.
"You went from kicking to fangirling in a matter of seconds wow." Night Shade commented.
"I don't "Fangirl" Ashley claims.
"to answer your question,I can and do "copy" people's physical forms in the dream reality." Night Shade explains.
"Ok I have a question for night shade. the nine years, you've Been here. And now you've got your little mind gap set up and your plan. But all this times passed I'm just wondering logically. Why have you not done anything to me yet? I mean you seem to only be attacking them."

"I have.You just haven't noticed." he says. Making me slightly shudder on what he could of been doing.
"Ok how so? In what things? I'm pretty sure occasional nightmares and you showing up a lot in my roleplays. was there more?"
"Things.Little things.Lots and lots of little things." Night shade states.
"Can you point out some things you did in the past? Cause I don't really remember you other than you showing up a lot in my roleplays. And that one time I sensed you when I was outside" I say.
"Oh there's to much to list." Night Shade replies.
I had to go that night so I was left to ponder on what things nightshade could of been doing. The next day while I was texting ashley once more, nightshade texted a suspicious phrase.

"Oooo it worked!" Night Shade exclaimed.
"What.Worked." Ashley asked seriously. When he didn't answer me and her talked more.
"I still want to know what he meant by"It worked." Ashley says.
"Oh it was a little experiment nothing big." Night Shade claims

"Who was it focused on?" I ask feeling like he meant me.
"You guess."
"Me?" I answer half feeling like that was the correct answer.
"Bingo!" Night Shade exclaims
"Oh wonderful already have enough people that love to experiment and test things why not another... So you going to leave it a mystery or do you care to share?" I say sarcastically.
"It was a unfinished mind control experiment on you and I was just testing If I could finish it." Night Shade explains.
"Mind control!? Since when have you been the one to do that kind of work." I shuddered. Not liking nightshade, as well as anyone being able to control my mind.
"It's a hobby of mine." He simply states.

"Well then. So when you said it worked you were referring to the experiment. Did you control me?" I say. Dreading the answer.
"Yes.Whoever started it was a genius!And yes,a tiny bit.It wasn't totally finished.The vocal was though.Could make you say literally anything!"Night Shade said. I shuddered, thinking about me being controlled.
"Oh blimey the one who created it was Rani." I state realizing and hating it.
"Really?Wow. It wasn't the normal mind control either.Theoretically it shouldn't work.But it does!" Night Shade exclaims excited.
"Ok now you are Making me curious"
"It's interesting actually.When I make you come to the dream reality I can explain it to you." Night Shade says.
"Oh joy " I say sarcastically. "So how long would that be? Oh quick question about that. Is it connected to the hands too?"
"Yup!" He replies.
"So that's what it's for! Gosh Blimey..." I realize, slightly gasping. I had just wrote in my diary about that event and now I found out what it really was for. I remembered vividly that event and now knowing what it was for. I was terrified. I didn't want to be controlled.
"Pretty cool right?" Night Shade replies.

I close my tablet staring and stuck in deep thought. I was Terrified. Because now I knew the truth behind what Rani was doing on that miserable night, where she did the worst experiment yet I've felt on me. And now nightshade used it on me. Even if it was slightly. Since finding it he could try to finish it and I'd be controlled by my ancient enemy. I was scared. And I didn't want that to happen. But now I knew the truth of that fateful experiment.

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