The secret life. chapter 28. secret spy or not?

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     The rest of the time waiting for my dad to come I talked with the master more. Being the only one in the large computer room and not knowing if someone was going to sneak up on me and startle me I tried to keep a watch on the door. Especially since what I was texting to my friends was confidential information.  But I figured my enemys are already motioning the chats. It wouldn't hurt. I started out a conversation with the master.  Remembering I had to tell him of my vision I had. "i had a vison today. of a snipbit of something happening the day of the fixed point" he replied "What did it look like?" I knew it was important to tell him so I continued trying go summarize it to get the main points of it. "me walking in the snow, following Rani but not in control of my body. Her leading me to someplace"

      He answered "I had a dream last night as well." I had no idea he had a dream/vision too. Now he got me curious.  "what was it about?" I asked.
"It was the Doctor, Alayla, and you in one room with Rani. The Doctor and Alayla was holding you still while you were struggling to get out." Hearing this I knew it had to be a vision of one event that was going to happen when I got captured. I thought I through.  Me struggling sounded like something I would do st the time.  "wait. does that mean they are going to be controlled to hold me" knowing they were being controlled at the time having to hold me I didn't like the sound of it. For all I know they would be controlled before i even got to say hi to them properly.  As it would be the first time seeing them. The master continued describing more of the dream. "Yes... But Alayla seemed like she was fighting it. She was so close to controlling her body again from rani but she lost afterwards." That meant she was fighting inside her head. And she almost won. But Rani had too much control. It sounded horrible. 
      We continued talking. I asked how his day was at school going as Alayla.  Said he went on a field trip. I replied "Sounds fun. I wish I had field trips at my school but considering all the administration people are enemys it would most likely be a trap" After a few moments I just sat there thinking about the suspicious social worker and how she could either be Rani or someone from torchwood. Sent to spy on me, and get information. I continued telling the master what was on my mind. "im still wondering about that social worker. im still not sure if its Rani or a torchwood person." He replied.  "True. But you have to wait and find out for yourself...." i was about to type in that I couldn't just ask her about if she was a spy when I heard a noise at the door. I wipped my head around and saw the social worker that I had just been texting about standing in the doorway. I almost jumped out of my seat in suprise.

       I quickly, but tried to be casual, closed out of the chat page that I was talking to the master on. She told me in her calm kind voice I could continue what I was doing that I didn't have to close it. But in my flustered state I said no. I didn't want her to see what I was up to. Our plan was to play chess when she came so I casually mentioned it and motioned her to the door, hoping I wasn't too suspicious and tried to hide it, by covering it with the chess. I led the way her behind me, not saying word.

      When we settled down to play chess she kept asking me personal questions about my birthday and brother and such. Making it seem like she was just trying to start up a casual conversation but at this point I didn't trust her. She's most likely a spy. I couldn't just say no to the questions in risk to being suspicious,  so I told her. I didn't see the hurt in telling her my birthday and family that she already knows about from the visits at our house taking care of my mom. But if she was I spy she could of used that information.  I easily defeated her in the first game. I wasn't sure if she was just pretending to not be good at chess or what. Starting the second game I on purpose let her take my queen to just see if she would take that move and reveal that she knew how to play chess and wasn't just hiding it. Soon enough she was giving me some good strategy. I may have done it. She was definitely a spy. Just who for that I didn't know.

      We didn't finish our second game. My dad came so we could go. She didn't know when she would be back. But next time I would be more ready for her. I would find out who she was. When i got home the first thing I did was get on my tablet.  The master could of been worried that I had just left so suddenly.  He hadn't posted anything new so I was sure he wasn't aware of what happened.  I told him what had happened.  He asked who she was. I still wasn't sure. All I knew was her name.

       He had to go and I spent the rest of the time watching movies.  At around 8. My dad called up saying we weren't going to have school the next day because of the bitter temperatures. I was happy to not have a day where my enemys were watching me. I texted the master telling him the news. "Hey master. Guess what. I have no school tomorrow." He answered.  "The more reason for  the fixed point to be Friday " I knew he was  right, as it had been my thoughts at the moment.   "Blimey. They couldn't make it anymore obvious. But  I'm not sure if I'm ready for it." My mind running over all that was going to happen that day. The terror the fear. The pain. I don't think there would be anyway I could be ready for it. 

       Close to the end of our conversation when I assumed he had gone to bed already I got a sudden realization.  I remembered back to the first vison I had. "The first time I had the vison of the fixed point and me in the black chair. I had a slight feeling of it being on a weekend at the time. Which if they do catch me on Friday. Would mean they have the whole weekend to carry out the other things that were going to happen." I continued. "The weekend.."

I thought through the day. My vision. The master's dream. Dawns time sense messing up. The date of Friday ringing a slight bell in rembering it. And my gut feeling mixed with that. Plus along with the cold bitter weather hurting me the day before friday. I was 98% certain that Friday was the day of the fixed point. It had to be.

I knew it was going to be sometime this week but I had no idea of it being so close if the evidence is right. The storm was practically on top of us. I hope I'm prepared for the day.

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