Chapter 20

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As I ran up, Rachel finished off the last Elite Angel and ran after the rest of the group.

"What about the special one?" I asked as we ran.

She shrugged. "I don't know but Naomi called a retreat so I'm just following orders. She knows what she's doing."

I nodded. Had Naomi ditched the plan?

When we got back to the ship, I noticed a new girl among us, an older girl with the same gray eyes and blonde hair that glowed silver in the moonlight, a bow strung across her back. That had to be her.

"Paul came to me and Naomi during the fight," Annie explained as she approached me. "He told us to take Genevieve while we could."

I nodded. It made sense. He had felt bad about imprisoning them but he felt obligated to save Genevieve. He seized the opportunity to send her off.

I smiled widely, right as Kathryn walked up.

"What?" she asked.

"We have all the special ones!" I said. Then I thought a moment. "I don't exactly know what that means for us though. More fighting? A break?"

She shrugged. "Whatever it is, I need a new weapon. I lost my knife back there." Then she looked to me. "What about you? Didn't they take your weapons?"

I flicked my wrists and the shadow daggers slipped into my hands. She grinned.

"That's amazing," she said. "Now you and Nathan can be..."

"Don't even finish that statement," I growled as I flicked my daggers away.

She shrugged. "I'm in a good mood. What can I say?"


My hands hovered over the dead fish. I had asked Katie to teach me healing. I felt bad about her having to deal with anyone who got seasick or injured.

It was easier said than done. My muscles were beginning to ache from internal strain. I was desperately trying to keep sweat from dropping into my eyes.

A blue glow flickered around my hands and the fish twitched. I relaxed and wiped the sweat from my brow. The fish squirmed a little and I started to smile.

A knife was flung downward, stabbing straight through the fish's heart and thudding into the table. It twitched once more and went still. I looked up at the upper deck where the knife had come from. Kevin was smirking at me.

"What do you want, Kevin?" I asked.

He hopped over the rail, landing in front of me.

"I just want you to know: I didn't need saving back there. Stop showing off. What's so special about you anyway?"

I looked him up and down. "Why aren't you talking to Nathan about this? Because I don't care." I started to leave but he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around and got in my face.

"I'll have you know," he hissed, "I was second in my class, back on The Victory. You know how big that is. Elite Angel material."

I got even closer, uncomfortably close. "And you know who was first?"

He backed up a little, shaking his head.

I stuck my face in his once more. "Me." I turned and left.


I looked out at the open sea. As I looked around, I noticed a small island. It looked empty and too small to live on. I pointed it out to Percy and he grinned.

"That's an Uninhabited," he explained.

I cocked my head in question.

He shook his head. "There are a few islands too small to live on so they call them Uninhabited." He thought for a moment. "I'll be back," he said. He jogged off towards the captain's cabin and disappeared inside. A few minutes later, he opened the door and yelled to the other ships, "Head for the Uninhabited!"

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now