Chapter 27

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Dennis and Julia collapsed. I crawled over to James and made sure he was okay. He was still breathing and his heart rate seemed normal so I put him in a more natural position an left him alone.

"Dennis, you drenched me," Julia complained, wringing ocean water from her black hair.

"Well now you're getting me wet. You didn't have to save me."

"Of course I had to," she said. "It's what comrades do."

"Comrades. Mm-hmm."

"Are you making fun of me?" Julia asked.

"Maybe I am," Dennis replied.

"You're too carefree," she said. "You almost died and you're acting like it's nothing."

He grinned. "Dying? I thought that's what I signed up for."

I smiled.

"Are you giving up? You don't think we'll win?" Julia asked.

"I'll be honest," he said, looking down. "And Charlotte, I don't mean to scare you. I don't think we have a very high chance of winning." He grinned again. "But where's the fun of it with no risk?"

"I've decided," Julia said. "You're insane."

"You could say that," he said with a short laugh.

Julia rolled her dark eyes but I could see her smiling.

Suddenly, Dennis clutched his hand. I could tell he was trying to hide it.

"Dennis what's wrong with your hand?" I asked.

"Nothing," he lied.

Julia grabbed his arm and pulled his hand outward. On it was a small scratch but the scratch was rimmed in a green hue.

"Poison?" I suggested. "But how?"

"Her nails," Julia said. "I could tell, they were dipped in poison. If you were scratched anywhere, you could be poisoned."

"So he's poisoned?" I confirmed, trying to keep my breathing steady.

Julia nodded. I looked to Dennis' face. It was sweaty and paling fast. His breathing was uneven and his whole body was shaking.

"We need to get him to Katie," I urged.

"I'll take him," she said. "You explain to Naomi what happened." I nodded and she helped him stand.

"I can walk," he said weakly.

"No," Julia stated firmly. "You'll only help the poison spread further, idiot." She put his arm around her shoulders and helped him up the stairs. I went along quickly behind them and split away to see Naomi. I told her the situation and left. Before I left, I noticed her expression. She looked like she was falling apart. I could tell that just like me, she hadn't slept in days.

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