Chapter 21

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We set anchor close to the island and took rowboats up to it. We gathered around to listen to what Naomi had to say.

"Percy has brought it to my attention that because of our recent skirmish on the Hunt, the Halo now knows where we are headed. They will be waiting for us. If we stall a few days, we may be able to throw them off. Make camp."

We dismissed and began getting supplies from off of the ship. By the time we were finished, the sky's light was beginning to fade. Peter and Andrew worked on getting a fire going with the wood Lela had found. The wind made it harder for them.

When the fire was finally lit, the sky was almost dark and the air was sharp and cold, so we all huddled around the fire. I sat between Kathryn and Dennis.

Emily and Lloyd carried two large things in weird shapes. I asked Dennis what they were.

"What Lloyd is holding is a violin," he explained. "It makes beautiful sounds. Emily has a set of bongo drums, which make a beat to play to. You'll see."

Lloyd pulled a stick strung with horsehair to his violin. When he pulled the hair across the string, a sound like I'd never heard resonated across the beach. It really was beautiful.

"So it creates songs?" I asked. "Music? Like when you whistle?"

Dennis nodded. "Actually, those are my instruments. I let them borrow them since they left theirs on the Shore."

Kathryn leaned over. "Andrew and Peter play and instrument very similar to the violin called the guitar but they run their fingers across the string instead."

I nodded. It was amazing that such beautiful sound could come from such a thing. We didn't have instruments on the Victory. There was no time for them.

Lloyd began playing a song that was upbeat and I immediately began tapping my foot to the beat the drums were making. It made me feel happy.

I watched as, across the fire, Percy stood up and offered Laura his hand. She blushed but then took it. They moved their feet in time to the music.

"See? They're dancing," Dennis said with a smile. Soon, many people had joined them, smiling an laughing as they spun and twirled around the fire. They didn't just dance with one person, they would switch with other couples. I noticed a boy from the Garden ask Cecelia to dance and one of the triplets ask Andrew. They both accepted with a grin.

Suddenly Dennis stood and offered his hand to me. "Charlotte, do you want to dance?" His blue eyes sparkled in the firelight.

I hesitated and Kathryn shoved me forward. "Sure," I said, taking his hand. With a grin, he pulled me into the middle of it.

At first I didn't know what to do.

"Just do what your body wants to," Dennis said. "I'll lead." He pulled me forward. I tried it and once my feet moved, I couldn't stop. Dennis grinned in excitement. "You're getting it," he said. My heart jumped at the compliment.

A few minutes later, it was over. He passed me off to James.

"Oh hi, James," I said happily. "I didn't know you were allowed out."

"I've gained some trust," he said. "Besides, they figure since I can't fight, they can take me out if they need to. Isolating me won't change anything."

I nodded. We had a quick conversation and then we switched again. I was with Percy now.

"So..." I said. "You and Laura, huh?"

He blushed. "Maybe a little. Okay, a lot. I really like her."

I smiled. "Does she like you back?"

He nodded. "But she doesn't really show it. Something about her" He grinned again. "But I don't care."

I laughed. "That's good."

At the end, when everyone was exhausted, they all sat back around the fire and began conversing in groups.

"Hey Charlotte," I heard someone call.

I turned to see Dennis walking over to me.

He smiled. "Come on a walk with me."

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