Chapter 34

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A few hours of fresh air later, I went back to the infirmary. Kathryn stopped to talk with someone I had never met before, so I went alone.

In the infirmary, almost everyone was asleep except Katie, who was watching as Andrew tried out his new arm. I was about to walk in but then Katie got up and walked over to Andrew so I decided to wait and watch.

"It's so fascinating," Katie said. "Can I touch it?"

"Of course," Andrew replied. He smirked. "I know how it works now."

"How?" Katie's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Andrew leapt into a complicated explanation about what went on inside his mechanical arm.

"I still haven't figured out how to do the fire thing yet, though," Andrew said, a little disappointed.

"This is why the islands should work together," Katie stated a little sadly. "If the Gear could produce a lot of these, the Hospital could use them for amputees."

"That's a word?" Andrew asked, disbelieving.

She laughed. "Believe it or not, yes."

He grinned. When he looked at her I could tell he loved her, even if I didn't know anything about the stupid thing. It was that sparkle in his eyes when he saw her laugh.

I looked to Dennis. I wished he looked at me like that.


"I see you're up and running," I whispered as I sat down next to Andrew on the bed. "Aren't you going to sleep? It's been a long day."

He shook his head. "I can't sleep. I think it was all that time spent passed out." He looked at Katie on the bed in front of us. She was sleeping peacefully. He smiled. "She finally gets to sleep. She hasn't slept in days."

"You really like her, don't you?" I asked Andrew. With a smirk, he nodded. "You don't care that she hates you?" I asked.

He shook his head. "She doesn't hate me. I know it. And besides, I don't care if she doesn't like me. It's not my fault I love her." He chuckled. "I shouldn't go throwing that word out. She might take off my head next." He looked back at her small form. She looked frail from lack of food and sleep and her skin was pale in the lamplight. "Besides, that's half the fun is not knowing what they're thinking. Even I can't tell what she's thinking."

"Half the fun, huh?" I asked, my gaze wandering over to Dennis, asleep on a bed across the room.

Andrew motioned over to him. I looked at him in question.

"He's awake," he mouthed. I looked back at Dennis. Sure enough, when I looked closer I could tell he was awake. I looked back to Andrew and he motioned for me to go over there. I sighed, stood up, and went over to Dennis' bed.

"Faker," I said teasingly.

He opened his eyes and grinned. "You could tell?"

I sat down on the bed next to his. "Andrew could too."

He looked over at Andrew, who waved with his good arm, a grin on his face.

"What did you want to talk about?" Dennis asked as he sat up.

I shrugged. "So you're getting better?" To be honest, I wanted to ask him about Jean but I didn't want to press.

He nodded. "A lot better, thanks to those two." He nodded to James and Katie, both fast asleep. He turned solemn. "That's not why you wanted to talk, was it?"

A look of surprise must have crossed my face because he chuckled. "You want to know how I could be such a different person, huh?"

I nodded self-consciously. "You don't have to tell me."

He shook his head. "It's about time I told someone else."

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