Chapter 36

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I woke up on my own time the next morning, exhausted. I made my way around the ship, looking for Kathryn, before remembering she was on the other ship. I decided to start my day with warm-ups since my mind obviously was not working. A while later, I made my way to the infirmary to check up on everyone.

As I walked in, Adrian, Christina, and Lela (our Hearthians) were walking out, chattering like birds. I paused for a moment. Weren't they down with seasickness?

I walked into the infirmary and confronted young Fern, who looked giddy.

"Aren't they seasick?" I asked her.

She grinned, her golden brown eyes sparkling. "People from the Garden get seasick too. We've long past come up with a medicinal plant to cure seasickness." She skipped off.

"Why didn't you say so before?" I mumbled under my breath.

Both Andrew and Dennis were sitting up in their beds. I sat down across from Andrew. He was flexing his metal fingers.

"How are those working for you?" I asked him. I noticed Katie and James shuffling around, looking at different things and talking to each other.

"Fairly well," he said. "Though I'm somewhat frustrated because I can't figure out how to do the fire thing yet."

"You're so descriptive with your words," I said.

He tried, only creating a few sparks. He sighed.

"Well at least we can tell you apart from Peter now," I joked.

"Ha-ha," he replied sarcastically.

"No, I could always tell them apart," Katie said as she was leaving the room.

"Really?" Andrew asked, his eyes lighting up a little.

She poked her head back through the doorway. "Andrew is the idiotic one." She left.

I laughed until I saw Andrew's face. He looked deep in thought and slightly sad.

"You alright?" I asked.

He shrugged. "It's true."

"What is?"

"Peter's always been just a little smarter than me, just a little further ahead." He held up his mechanical arm. "This is the only thing she's ever looked at near me and her eyes have sparkled like that. I didn't even make it, Peter did. And I never would have thought of it on my own."

"Sure you would have," I said. "You're smart."

"But not that smart." He sighed.

I shook my head. "Remember what you told me last night?" I asked. "You said half the fun was not knowing."

He finally looked up at me. "Peter told you never to give relationship advice."

I opened my mouth to argue. Then I realized something.

"You were listening?" I asked. I remembered it clearly. Peter had whispered it to me.

He shrugged. "Yeah."

I shook my head. "It's your advice. I'm taking it and turning it back around to you."

He chuckled. "Alright I get it. You're smart too."

I smiled. Just then, Katie walked back in.

Andrew started to get up. "I'm going to get some fresh air," he stated.

"No," Katie said firmly. "You'll spend at least one more day in recovery."

He sat down somewhat grumpily.

"That goes for you too, Dennis!" Katie said strictly. I looked over to him. He had frozen, walking out the door, and was walking back towards his bed again.

"Charlotte," James said out of the blue. "Do you mind if we conduct a quick test on you?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What kind of test?" I questioned.

"To make sure the poison has been exterminated. We've been checking at least one person from each island who was poisoned to make sure the anti poison worked," he explained.

I nodded. "Alright."

"Lay here." He indicated to a nearby hospital bed. "It will only take a moment."

I laid down, my heart beginning to pound. This was the moment of truth. I would soon find out whether I was going to live or die.

"How have the other outcomes been?" I asked. At least then I would know the odds.

James looked a little embarrassed. "Well, actually, you're the first person we're conducting the test on."

I took a deep breath. "Great, just great." I closed my eyes as they began the quick, painless process.

A few long minutes later, James said, "You're done."

I opened my eyes and sat up. "So?"

He grinned. "Perfectly fine. There's not enough poison left in your system to harm you."

I sighed in relief. I felt a great weight lift from my shoulders. Not that there wasn't much left. I still felt burdened, but that was one less thing I had to worry about.

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now