Chapter 35

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"It started a long time ago, when I was around the age of five. At that time, Percy and Lloyd would follow me everywhere. Everything I did, they did. When I was two, my father had caught an illness that was spreading through the Shore at the time. Anyone who had it died slowly, over the course of around two months to three years. After three long years, becoming the longest person to live with that illness, my father died. I had already lost my mother when I was born, to a horrible storm. Before my father died, he told me to be brave and be unique. He told me never to become the pawn of someone else but to choose my own path and stand out. He also gave me this."

He slipped a necklace out from his shirt. It was small and carved from driftwood. It was carved in the shape of a sleek animal with a long nose. I had never seen it before.

"It's a dolphin," he said, tucking the necklace back away. "They're playful, kind creatures."

I nodded. Just like him, I thought.

He continued. "With my father's advice, I continued on. Emily's family took me in and we became good friends.

"But then the day came. It was to be decided whether we would continue normal life or become a sailor of the Buccaneers. When I heard about this, I realized this must've been what my father was talking about, to stand out, be unique, and make my own choices. To be brave. I was wrong.

"To become a Buccaneer, we had to pass a test. A fighting test, using whatever weapon we chose. I chose a spear, since I had found it was a good weapon for me.

"I watched as student after student was knocked down by the upperclassman, a big twelve-year-old who had already qualified to be a Buccaneer. When I approached him, I was scared. My usual glee had disappeared.

"I heard shouts of approval. When I looked to the crowd, Percy, Lloyd, and Emily were cheering me on. Before I could be happy, though, the upperclassman seized the opportunity and attacked me. The next thing I knew..." He trailed off, looking to the ground.

"What?" I asked, afraid for the answer.

He gripped the bed beneath his fingertips. "I killed him," he whispered. "Me, a six-year-old, I killed someone twice my age." He shook his head. "I'll never touch another weapon again."

He looked back up. "That was that. They signed me up to train to become a Buccaneer. We would go on harsh training exercises, getting dropped in the middle of storms and battling to get out or such. At the age of thirteen, we would begin traveling with the Buccaneers. At the age of fourteen, we would be injected and sent off as official Buccaneers.

"I became hard and unfeeling. I would get into fights with Emily all the time. Sadly enough, Percy and Lloyd tried to follow. They would even try picking fights with me. They followed me everywhere but I let them. They were the closest thing I had to friends. Everyone knew me but it wasn't a good thing. Everyone hated me.

"During a break from training, I went on a shipping trip with Emily's family to deliver supplies to the Hunt. Being the stubborn ten-year-old I was, I wandered off, hoping to find something interesting to do. While I was wandering the forest, I heard something. I followed the noise and found a girl my age crying alone. Instantly, my hard heart melted and I confronted her. At first, I tried to act tough but she saw right through me. She knew I was hurting. That was how I met Naomi."

I hadn't realized Naomi was so young. She seemed so much older than that but if she was Dennis' age, she was only about seventeen.

"Apparently her sister had died. She got angry at the men who killed her and killed some of them too before her best friend, Annie, could stop her. I told her my experiences and we actually found many things we had in common. My usual cheerful self returned but she didn't get any happier. Her sister's death really effected her. Naomi and I became good friends and she introduced me to Annie. She made me realize just how horrible the Halo's way of ruling was. When it was time to leave, Naomi promised we would meet again.

"I made the decision to quit the program, realizing it wouldn't be what my father wanted. For the next two years, the Buccaneers tried again and again to change my mind but I wouldn't give in. Not to them. Percy and Lloyd soon followed, eventually becoming the pranksters they are now. Especially Percy. Emily realized her powers and I saw a new hope. When Naomi came back, talking about starting an army, I went with her. I refused to let Lloyd and Percy go, even though they begged to come with me. I didn't want them getting hurt. I already felt responsible for the few years they followed me in my...moments.

"I haven't seen the Buccaneers since then. Well, until now. But Jean doesn't look like she's aged a day since she watched the original testing. I hadn't seen her since that day. I still remember her grinning maniacally at my so-called 'accomplishment'." He shook his head. "She's a monster. I couldn't let myself give in to that kind of madness." He grinned at me. "Though I might be slightly insane anyway."

I laughed hesitantly, not sure whether to laugh or take him seriously.

He yawned and stretched. "You should get some sleep," he said through the yawn. "We have a long time ahead of us."

I nodded, yawning myself. He laid down and I left. I noticed Andrew had fallen asleep on the hospital bed.

Did everyone really have such a bad childhood? I thought as I laid down. Or did I just have it easy?

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