Chapter 11

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"You have a..."

I covered her mouth. "I never knew," I told him. I was surprised he had opened up and was curious to see if he'd tell more.

He continued. "He had more dignity and kindness than to admit it, but I always knew he was a little jealous of my abilities. When Naomi came by the first time, he told her he wanted a part in her revolution. He was always smarter and kinder than me and Naomi offered him a spot as first councilor but he refused. He wouldn't accept anything higher than second councilor. Naomi never liked me. She absolutely adored Nathaniel though. She pulled him further away from me. We used to be so close. Not after that. After Naomi kissed him..."

"She did what?" I asked. Then I saw his expression. "Sorry."

He shook his head. "No matter. After she did that, he became isolated. He wouldn't talk to anyone except Nina. She was a sister to him. He'd do anything to protect her." His voice dropped. "He'd die for her."

I took my hand off Katie's mouth as her jaw dropped.

For only the second time since I'd met him, I felt sorry for Nathan. He hadn't even talked to Nathaniel for two weeks before he had died. Naomi had basically stolen him.

And what was up with Naomi? Hello, a little respect? Why'd she kiss Nathaniel? She didn't even ask if he'd liked her! I didn't even know Nathaniel but he seemed like a great guy.

I walked up to him and tried to put a hand on his shoulder. He shied away but then he let me. At that close, I could see the tears in his dark eyes but they weren't slipping down his cheeks. I said nothing.

"I'm sorry," I told him. "I really, truly am."

He nodded and pulled away. He left.


Early the next morning, I woke up. I hurried out to the deck and scrambled up the foremast. Standing at the top, I could see The Gear, barely visible in the morning light through the fog. I scurried back down and ran the short distance to the captain's cabin. I rapped on the door loudly and waited.

I heard a muffled "Wait," from inside and some movement. A few seconds later, Naomi, fully dressed but looking exhausted, opened the door.

"Ugh Charlotte. I'll never get any sleep with you around. First late at night, now ear-"

I didn't wait for her to finish. "We're almost there."

Her eyes opened wider and she said, "Go over to the other boat and get Kathryn, then wake up Andrew, and Peter."

I nodded, ran to the edge of the boat, and jumped. I swam to one of the other boats and clambered aboard. Slipping from the water on the smooth, birch wood deck, I ran toward the girls' bunker. When I pulled open the door, Kathryn was about to pull it open. She had one sleeve of her shirt on and was pulling the other on. Her pants were unzipped and unbuttoned.

"Whoah!" I said in surprise.

"I sense it," she said.

"What? You sense what?"

"The Gear! I sense the fire and the metalworks..." She sighed. "Home."

I rolled my eyes. "Come on. Naomi needs you."

She spit her tongue out as she fixed her pants. Then we ran out.

When we got back to the boat, Peter and Andrew were already on deck.

"Oh Naomi, did you wake them up for me?" I asked.

"No they came out on their own," she said. "They're not exactly the early risers either."

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now