Chapter 25

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The day after Emma's death, I came across Percy and he asked where Laura was. I told him to try to get her out of the state she was in, and he did but she was still very depressed and followed him everywhere, refusing to talk to anyone else.

I went to give James his lunch and actually went in the cell.

He smiled sadly. "Did you take the key from Naomi?"

I nodded as I sat next to him. "I wanted to talk to you."

He began eating his stale bread.

"I'm sorry for doubting you," I said. "But how? How did someone else kill them and frame you?"

He shook his head. "They were too fast. All I knew was someone was struck in front of me and then I had a knife in my hand a split second later." He frowned. "I was really beginning to enjoy that Emma girl's company, too." He shook his head. "No, I could never kill. I don't even know what was going through my mind when I started beating Mae." His voice cracked as he said Mae's name.

I sighed. "I don't know why I didn't see death coming. Our success so far has made me a little cocky, I guess. I should be prepared. This is war. There's always someone stronger."

"Yes darling, there is."

I jumped up at the voice. I had never heard it before.

Someone slipped between the bars. They stepped into the dim light of the lamp. It was a woman from the Shore but she was different. Her blue eyes were the color of deep, untouched ocean and sparkled with malice and mad glee. She grinned, her pearly white teeth slightly sharper than they should have been. A deep scar ran across her face.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Well you're going to die anyway so I might as well tell you. I am Jean."

My heart stopped. Jean was the name on the knife.

"You killed them?" I asked.

She laughed creepily. "And you're next."

I held a hand up shakily. There was something eerie about her. She wasn't a normal Shore resident. "Wait you haven't told me who you are."

"Oh you want the specifics before I kill you? Alright. I am Jean, leader of the Buccaneers, a special breed of Shore. We are the strongest of them and are injected with DNA from the Victory to make us ultimate weapons."

"Well I'm a special one," I told her. "I have all the blood from every island."

She laughed again. "Ooh now I get to kill a special one. This will be interesting."

I flicked out my knives.

"Shadow daggers?" she observed. "Interesting, very interesting. I don't think I'll need my knife this round."

She jumped at me. I tried to dodge but she practically turned in midair and punched me hard in the jaw. I fell to the ground.

"Charlotte!" James shouted. He tried to help but Jean swung back around and her fist connected with his head and he fell to the ground, out cold.

All I could do was dodge as Jean attacked over and over again. I began to pant. Just as I was about to call for help, she slammed me against the bars, her hand around my throat. I struggled to pry her fingers from my throat. She cackled as I started to see spots.

My muscles wouldn't move.

I gave up.

I would die.

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