Chapter 14

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I wasn't allowed to visit The Shore. According to our fellow Shorelandians, everybody knew everyone and they'd notice if anyone came onto the island, especially someone like me with a "darker complexion".

So I waited, watching the island. Unlike the other islands I had encountered, this one was bright and the whole place seemed happy. People who looked like tiny bugs strolled the island, greeting each other and singing as they worked. There were smaller things, probably some sort of animal, on the island as well but I couldn't see properly. All the houses were made of knotted driftwood and rope and docks stuck out everywhere. It was peaceful.

Suddenly, the people began shouting and scurrying. I climbed higher, trying to see what was going on.

I could see four people sprinting down a dock towards us. A huge group of people were chasing them. The four dove into the surf and began swimming as fast as possible toward the rowboat. They clambered in, helping each other up. The pursuers swam faster. Suddenly, a huge wave surged, pushing them back and sending the rowboat hurtling toward the ship. The people floundered in the churning ocean and the rowboat sped toward the ship, skipping over the dips.

It slowed as it reached the ship. I could see them now. It was Dennis, Percy, and Lloyd, as well as a girl I hadn't seen before. She had the same blue eyes and blonde hair. Her hair was long and unruly, not unlike Dennis' and Percy's.

Dennis was the first onto the ship. He shook water droplets out of his damp hair with a grin. As his eyes met mine, my heart jumped to my throat.

He walked up to me, still grinning, his hands in his pockets.

My throat closed up. "Great. Job, I mean, great job." I bit my lip and he laughed. Why couldn't I talk?

"Thanks," he said. He beckoned for the new girl to come over.

"Charlotte," my stomach fluttered when he said my name, "this is Emily. Emily, Charlotte. She's the newest recruit here."

Emily smiled brightly, giving her the same dimples Dennis had. "Nice to meet you, Charlotte. You know, I wanted to join this group when Naomi first came here but Dennis told me to stay behind. Percy and Lloyd left without telling me." She laughed heartily. I smiled to make her feel better. But really, I was watching Dennis out of the corner of my eye. He might have been waiting for my reaction but he watched me the entire time Emily talked and I tried not to stare back.

Finally Emily stopped talking. "Well it was nice to meet you, Charlotte."

I smiled. "You too." I glanced once more at Dennis before he took Emily to the next person. When I looked at him, he purposely made eye contact and smiled at me. I couldn't pull my eyes away until he finally looked away.

I smiled a little. Then I heard Emily talking to Mae, "Nice to meet you, Mae. You know, I wanted to join this group when Naomi first came but..."

I shook my head and chuckled. Poor Mae.


Next was The Hearth. I didn't know what everyone else thought but I thought we were making good time. The Hearth was a little mining town and the inhabitants were happy to allow us to borrow supplies. The special one, Lela, was happy to come with us. She had already known about her powers but she didn't know what to do about it. Like the other people from The Hearth, she had curly, brownish red hair and big golden eyes. Freckles dotted her entire face and arms, mixing in with the soot on her face and in her hair.

Half the island was covered in thick forest. Unlike The Shadow's forest which was made of pine trees, this forest was full of hundred-year-old oak trees, perfect for lumber and firewood.

When the soft pink fingers of dawn grasped the mountaintops once more, we set off for The Garden. Like the other Hearthians, Lela was seasick. Mae tended to her for hours, still trying to take care of the other two.

I looked out at the horizon across the choppy blue sea. The pink glare on the water made the sea glassy.

"It's been easy so far," a voice said behind me. "Don't get used to it. Never let your guard down."

I rolled my eyes and turned around. "You don't have to tell me that. I'm trained to know these things." I pointed to myself. "Victory? Warrior?"

Nathan shrugged. His pale skin looked pink in the evening light. "Just thought I'd remind you."

"Not a baby," I said, annoyed. I left him standing at the hull and went to bed.

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now