Chapter 29

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Kathryn and I, fighting alongside each other, discovered they didn't know much in the ways of fire. She would knock them off balance by blasting fire. While they dodged, I got up in and slashed with my knives.

But there were too many. They just kept coming and we were getting tired.

Someone jumped on my back, knocking me to the deck and pinning me facedown. They put a knife to my back so I didn't move.

"Stand back, darling," she told Kathryn. I froze. "If you come any closer, I'll make sure to embed this knife in her spine." She laughed maniacally.

"What do you want, Jean?" I growled from my position on the deck.

"Where's that boy? He won't be saving you this time, it seems. And that girl is busy over there." She let up a little so I could look around. Julia was pushed up against a wall, fighting at least three Buccaneers.

"Oh, did I hurt him?" she asked. "Is he feeling lots of," she leaned in close, "pain?"

Tears filled my eyes and I tried furiously not to let them show. Maybe Dennis was right. Maybe we didn't have a chance. Whether she embedded the knife in my back or not, it was poison. If I moved at all, I could die.

Jean threw me over onto my back. "Let's have a little fun with you." She grinned maniacally and my eyes widened. Kathryn took a step forward and Jean lowered the knife point to my chest.

"Don't move, darling," she snarled. Kathryn froze. Then she turned to face me, her teeth glinting. She brought her knife up to my face and pressed it to my cheek. A whimper escaped my lips in fear but I didn't dare move.

She moved the knife, sliding it across my cheek and slitting it slowly. The tears began slipping down my cheeks. When she lifted her knife, Kathryn kicked her but she was sturdy.

"Dodge this!" Kathryn yelled and shot a pillar of fire in her direction. Jean jumped off and I reached up to wipe blood from my cheek.

"The damage is already done!" Jean shrieked gleefully. "I have already had my crew poison almost all of you. You'll be dead by morning!" She laughed. I looked around at everyone. They were all collapsed to the deck, clutching a hand or a cheek or an arm where they, too, had been cut with the poison blades. "Retreat! They are dead men!"

The Buccaneers began jumping back over to their own ship.

I stared blankly at the sky. The fog was beginning to clear, showing a beautiful, clear, blue sky. It was almost mocking us as we all lay on our deathbeds.

James and Katie came running out of the infirmary area. They checked on all the poisoned. James came to me.

"Please work," he whispered. Was he egging on the poison?? "Please work."

We waited in a long silence. I began to slowly realize the poison wasn't taking effect. I sat up.

"James, what's happening?" I asked.

He sighed with relief. "While you were asleep, we found an anti poison. We haven't been able to fix Dennis' situation yet but we can prevent others from being poisoned by using..." He went into a long explanation about antibodies and blood transfers and a few other things I didn't understand. I nodded along to pretend like I understood.

"So we're not going to die?" I asked.

He frowned. "Hopefully not."

I sighed. "That makes me feel so much better," I said sarcastically.

He shrugged. "It's our only hope."

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now