Chapter 6

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"Do what?" Kathryn asked.

"Gather the special ones from the islands," he repeated. "It's the only way to beat Louis and restore peace."

"And my other question," I said, "I'd LOVE to bring Nina along but why is she coming?"

"I told you," he said. "She has a gift. She will know which ones are the special ones. Now, you should probably inform your leader...Natalie is it?"

"Naomi," Kathryn corrected.

"Ah yes. You should inform her of what you need to do. You should get someone from the Book to draw out the plan so the Halo cannot track your progress. The people from the Gear should build a boat. The people from the Shore will steer the boat. Nina will know the way to go. Nathan will know what to do when you finish gathering all the special ones."

We waited.

"Go!" he said. "There isn't a minute to waste!"

"One quick question before we go," said Kathryn. "Why is Nathan know...when you're all happy and energetic?"

"Well," he said. "Believe it or not, I used to be exactly like him."

I cocked my head unbelieving.

"Couple hundred years alone can really go to your head," he explained with a wink.

"Wait!" I said.

"What?" asked Ronnie. Then, under his breath, "Do you ever run out of questions?"

"What if Naomi doesn't believe us?" I asked.

"Who's Naomi again?"

"The leader."

"Oh right. Tell her to come here and meet me."

"Alright. See you in a few minutes then."


"Aww come on. You've got to do this. The fate of Haven rests on this. We could finally be free!"

"I don't care. It won't help I'm sure of it."

"It's the perfect plan! You just can't say no."


I learned two things from that experience: Naomi hates me and Naomi is stubborn as a mule (no offense to the mules).

"At least come with us, then, if you don't believe us."


This was going to be harder than I thought.

Before I could attempt any more persuasions, Nathan grabbed Naomi and began pulling her toward the jungle. She fought but he was stronger. Barely. She hit him hard. He bit his lip and kept going.

She stopped struggling. "So you're convinced too huh?" she asked, changing tactic. "Did your girlfriend over here convince you?"

"She's not my girlfriend," he said through gritted teeth. I had a feeling this had a deeper meaning than I was getting at. I'd have to ask Kathryn later.

"In fact, it's the opposite," Kathryn said. "They absolutely hate each other's guts."

"Yeah right," said Naomi. "I bet they act that way because they're in loooove."


Nathan suddenly threw Naomi on the ground. Once again, the shadow sword came out an he held it at her throat. "That's it. I can't take any of this. You..."

"Nathan, stop," I told him. "We need her, remember?"

He sighed and pulled her back to her feet.

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now