Chapter 2

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That night, we met on the beach. Two boys from The Gear had started a bonfire and everyone sat quietly around it until the rest of the group members arrived.

Dennis sat to the right of a tall girl with blonde hair pulled back into a braid that looked silver in the moonlight. Her eyes were grey and full of intelligence. She looked like she was in charge. To her left sat a girl who looked exactly like her, but younger, and a girl who looked like me with hair a little past her shoulders. On Dennis' right was a boy who looked exactly like him but younger, also. He wore his hair shorter than Dennis'. I assumed they were the leaders.

I sat down next to a girl from The Gear. She had brown, wavy hair down past her shoulders and brown eyes. She introduced herself as Kathryn. When her eyes caught the light of the fire, they glinted red, like red-hot steel.

A girl sat down on the other side of her. She had tan skin and dark eyelashes that circled her chocolate brown eyes, and her long, shiny, black hair was pulled to one side and ran down almost to her waist. She was very pretty.

Kathryn leaned over to me and whispered, "That's Cecelia. Rumor has it, she's Dennis' girlfriend."

I didn't know what was so interesting about having a friend that was a girl. I was about to ask, but then the girl in charge stood up and everyone went silent.

"Tonight we have gathered for the welcoming of the newest member of our group." She paused because she probably didn't even know who I was, just that I was new. Dennis stood up quickly and whispered something in her ear, then sat back down. "Her name is Charlotte. Won't you stand up, dear?" A few people snickered.

I stood up self-consciesly.

"Dear..." There were some more snickers and the girl glared at everyone. They went silent. "Dear, do you mind telling us how you came here?"

A girl somewhere on the other side of the bonfire told the girl, "She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to, Naomi."

"Silence, Annie. I don't need you interrupting," Naomi snapped.

"That's okay," I said quietly, mostly to Annie. "I'll tell you." I launched into the story about the normal day I was having, the metal bat with explosives, the explosion, and waking up on the island. During the different parts, people looked confused and then understanding.

"Thank you," Naomi said when I was done. "You are dismissed. Kathryn, stay here."

"Yes, ma'am."

I began leaving. "Charlotte, you stay too." I turned around and came back. "Well you are good at one thing," Naomi commented, frowning, "Following directions. What more could I expect from a girl from The Victory? Anyway, I suppose I need to introduce the council. As you probably know, I am Naomi. This is the leader of the girls, Hazel, and her second in command, Rachel. You already met Dennis, the leader of the boys..." He gave me a smile that made my heart jump. What does that even mean? I wondered. I realized Naomi was still talking. "...and his second in command, Lloyd." She waved her hand dismissively. "You may leave now. Kathryn, show her to the house."

We left. I followed Kathryn toward the village.

"Sorry about her," Kathryn said, breaking the silence. "She doesn't particularly like people from The Victory. I don't know why."

"That's alright," I replied. "I don't really mind."

We walked in silence for a few more minutes.

"Well, here we are. Home sweet home." She began walking up the steps of the cobblestone building. She unlocked the door and we walked in to about a dozen girls asleep on bunk beds.

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