Chapter 28

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As I walked out of Naomi's cabin, people flooded me with questions such as, "Did you really get attacked?" "Is Dennis alright?" "What happened?" I ignored them and made my way back to the infirmary. Dennis lay on a bed, his breathing uneven and heavy and his eyes closed.

I sat down next to Katie. "Will he be all right?"

"I hope so," she sighed. "Bring James here too. He'll need treatment. Besides, when he wakes up he can help me."

"You're desperate aren't you?" I asked teasingly. She nodded and got back to treating Dennis. I helped Julia carry James from his cell downstairs to down the hall in the infirmary.

"There," Katie said shortly, pointing to a bed. "Warm rag." I nodded and wet a rag in warm water, laying it across his forehead.

Twenty long minutes later, James began to stir. When his eyes opened, he sat up straight.

"You're fine," I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "She left."

He relaxed and laid down. "Are you all alright?"

I nodded. "Dennis was hurt a little but that's all."

"He didn't get scratched, did he?" he asked frantically. So he had noticed the poison too.

I looked to the ground. "Katie is treating him now."

He jumped up. Then he paused. "How long since you've slept?" he asked me.

"It doesn't matter, take care of Dennis."

He shook his head. "How long since you've slept?" he asked a little more forcefully.

I shrugged. "Five days?"

"Lay down," he instructed. He was so sure of it, I didn't argue. I lay in the closest hospital bed and in moments, I was asleep.


"Five days?? No wonder she wasn't fighting very well."

I sat up, rubbing my head. I felt a little better.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"A few hours," someone responded. I looked to the side to see Kathryn sitting beside the bed.

"I haven't talked to you in a while," I commented.

"Too busy living life without me?" she asked.

I shook my head. "This isn't life," I said. "How is Dennis doing?"

She frowned. "Not very well. He hasn't gotten much better."

"A little better though?" I asked hopefully.

She nodded. "Only because of our amazing medical team."

I looked over at James and Katie. "Since when did you two become the dynamic duo?" I asked.

"I still hate him!" Katie yelled to me.

"She still hates me," James confirmed.

I laughed. "They're fine." Kathryn smiled a little.

Suddenly, the ship jerked to the side.

"What was that about an attack?" Kathryn asked.

I jumped out of bed and we ran down the hall, leaving James and Katie to tend to Dennis. Everyone was rushing around on the deck. I looked over the rail of the ship and saw a huge ship, way bigger than any of ours, looming into view from the fog on the choppy waves.

"We can't fight! Pull away!" someone yelled.

"We can't outrun them! We need to fight!" someone else argued.

Naomi stood on the upper deck. "Be quiet!" she yelled. The entire ship went silent. A cannonball flew from a cannon of the enemy ship. It connected with our ship and we stumbled to the side.

"We'll fight!" Naomi said. "But we will not finish! We must pull away as soon as we have the chance! Pull in!"

The boat rocked over the waves until we came to a stop next to the other ship. We heard a loud roaring of voices and Buccaneers burst from the fog, jumping from their ship to ours. We prepared our weapons and engaged.

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now