Chapter 30

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"So no casualties?" I asked in surprise.

James shook his head. "No one died, thanks to the anti poison."

"Don't get all high and mighty," I said with a grin.

He shrugged. "They were aiming to show off their new weapons with the poison and didn't think we might actually be smart enough to create something against it."

"So Emma died for nothing?" Laura's voice quivered. We all looked at her. It was the first time in a while she had spoken to anyone but Percy. When we looked at her, she clung to his arm and shied closer to him.

"No," James said. "It taught us that the poison existed. Without it, we wouldn't have been prepared to retaliate."

She shook her head.

We were back on the sea. Percy and Lloyd had come in to see Dennis when they had heard he was slowly recovering. He had finally awoken but was still having a hard time doing anything. Laura had, of course, followed Percy.

"Percy, Lloyd," Dennis said weakly.

"Yes?" Lloyd replied. Relief showed itself in his voice.

A weak grin spread across Dennis' pale face. "I'm clammy. Get it?"

Kathryn and I looked at each other. She gave me a What?? look. I shrugged.

Percy rolled his eyes. "That was really bad."

"You must be really sick," Lloyd continued. "Your jokes are wearing thin."

Dennis pouted. "I know. This has got to be the worst part of being poisoned. I can't even think of a decent joke."

Percy grinned. "Well Lloyd and I will make sure not to get poisoned okay?"

Dennis nodded. "I don't know what I'd do if you two were hurt."

"Well you lay in bed and recover and then you can protect us all you like," Lloyd promised.

Dennis smiled. "They think we're dead."

"What?" Laura asked.

He turned to her. "The Buccaneers think we're dead. They'll tell Louis and we'll have an opportunity to strike."

Laura looked surprised, as if she hadn't thought of that herself, which she probably hadn't.

Dennis turned to me and Kathryn. "Tell Naomi we need to set out for the Halo immediately."

I stepped forward. "You need time to recover."

He grinned weakly. "We'll have time."


Naomi had already taken everything into account and had ordered everyone to pack up.

"Why is she in charge?" Kathryn asked. "It just doesn't make sense. No one likes her. She isn't even mourning over her fallen comrades."

But as I watched Naomi, I knew.

"No, she's the only one fit to be in charge," I said. "Look at the rest of us. She's the only one who's managed to pull herself together and take action."

Kathryn thought for a moment. "I guess so."

"Besides," I continued, "being in a position of power is hard. Look at her." She had dark circles under her eyes as if she hadn't slept and she was losing weight, probably not eating either.

Kathryn sighed. "Are you starting to sympathize?"

I shrugged. "I have to. She's our leader after all."

"You sure that's not the poison talking?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied. "The poison's been neutralized."

She shook her head. "We don't know for sure. For all we know, it could have only slowed the poison's spread through your body."

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