11 - Taelous

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Taehyung POV

I was standing in front of the window of my room lookout outside, I don't know why I just came straight home but I felt extremely jeolous when I saw jin with that bastard jungkook

Jin never got attached with someone so easily, I can tell he has started to like him suddenly. When he first talked to me about a strange boy, I knew who he is referring to but I kept quite

I didn't wanted him to get attached to him and get betrayed in the end, I don't want jin to be hurt after all I know jungkook more than anyone

He was a nice person, a cheerful one who always thought positive or maybe I thought wrong about him. I still resent him a lot and I also know Jin will probably also leave him only if he get to know the reason why I don't trust him at all, the reason why I hate him

Jeon jungkook...I don't know what's going on in his mind but I'll never let him take someone who is precious to me like in the past not again...

There was some times when I was the happiest seeing him but everything changed cause nothing remains the same forever, happiness doesn't, love doesn't and especially love

Jin shouldn't get all close to him, I don't want him to. I knew there will be a day when someone else will come in his life if I won't confess my real feelings but I never wanted that person to be jungkook

I sighed exhausted, ever since I came home this is the only thoughts in my head I can't get rid of them. I checked the time, it sure was late but it's still isn't

It's only 8o'clock, I grabbed the keys of my car and went outside my room straight to garage and drove off

I just hate it soo much, It takes 10 minutes to reach his house if you're a normal person and I am not in the category of a patient Person as well as normal so I speed up the car like a crazy person to reach fast

I got off the car and went straight in, the guards didn't said anything as they know me Ofcourse, I rang the bell of the main door only to get response after whole 16.0014 secs later

I was greeted by aunt oh's smily face, I smiled back actually a fake one cause I am not in a mode to smile like a fool

I went in looking around "Where's Seokjin?"

She closed the door and turned back to me "He's in the study room"

Okay so actually, I am so Shocked right now nope I am beyond shocked...seokjin and study? Doesn't match at all he must be playing there with the excuse name of study

"One of his friends came so he's there with him"

Wait- what? Friend-- my face palmed, please god tell me that I am wrong...It can't be jungkook, right? I am thinking stupid


"Um...maybe his name was jungkook"

Ok, so kill me here...like really? Why does it have to be him when there are billions of more nice people out there

Without giving her any answer, I went straight to the study room and I wasn't expecting to see what I just did. Seokjin was actually studying while jungkook seemed to be teaching him

They are so fucking close to eachother...my blood is boiling, I want to go in and push him aside, only if Seokjin allow me he'll be In his six feets!

I can't be able to think of anything else right now even the fact that when I said it to him for about more than 1000 times that I can teach him everything he wants but he choose jungkook?

I am so fucking angry, I don't even know if it's a good idea going in right now...wait...I sighed why are you being like this...

Don't get me wrong guys, I don't have a problem with Seokjin getting a boyfriend for himself- well, it's a lie as well but I need to sound at least nice so I don't but with that Person being jungkook? I will put fire on the whole world and fly away with my Seokjin

Without any doubt, you're so fucking obsessed taehyung! Get your mind right!

With a heavy heart I opened the door, both of them looked at me. Jungkook raised his brows, that giant-- but my angel Smiled, what else do I need

I glared at Jungkook when I heard a scoff, I'll literally kill him if I stay in the same room as him any longer

I faked a forced smile on my face which is absolutely more handsome than Jungkook's and walked to them

"I didn't knew you would be here as well"

"Ofcourse, it's not like jin would call you and tell you about my arrival- oh maybe he should have you are like his brother after all"

What-- brother? God save him from me please, I don't want to be a murderer yet I want to get married to my Seokjin first

I could sense his teasing voice, he's fucking playing with me. I want to punch his face, he literally got the guts to smirk and say that Sarcastically

"Nope, you're totally wrong about our relationship, we're family friends not brothers"

I had a forced smile actually an angry one which maybe killed sweet in only sweet persons eyes so probably it isn't looking like one in thy kookroach's eyes

"Oh I see...you guys are family friends"

He chuckled after saying it and oh god i hate it how he mentioned that last words especially

Okay, so this is going to be long hour...

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