32 - Drink = Drunk

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Jungkook Looked at Jin cause there was no voice or response from him and the next thing he knew was that Jin's lips were on top his

His eyes got wide open and he was shocked as hell, Jin pulled back and hesitantly looked at Jungkook's shocked face

It took him about 2 mins to understand what actually happened, he looked at Seokjin and touched his lips slightly with two fingers "Did you...?"

Seokjin bit his lips "Yeah...did I messed up?"

That was it, jungkook pushed Jin down and he landed on the grass. Jungkook got on top of him and smashed his lips onto his

This time it was Jin's turn to be shocked, after putting all the thoughts together he hesitantly moved his lips in sync with jk

Suddenly Jungkook stopped and pulled back, he slowly got off and stand up. He didn't looked at Jin but his eyes were stuck at one place, only one...


The both of them was walking down towards his car without saying anything, both of them were confused about the situation

Jin hesitantly looked at jk but looked back ahead when jk took a glance at him. The both of them still decided not to say anything

When they were Infront of his car, they both stopped and looked at eachother, jungkook cleared his throat

"It's getting dark, I think we should just go back now..."

Ofcourse he knows this sentence was totally stupid to say cause basically they came back here, in front of his car because they are going back but he needed to change the topic...

"But I thought we are going somewhere else now"

Jungkook rolled his eyes understanding that, it was a sarcasm for him. He opened the car of the door but was stopped by Jin when he told his hand

He looked back at him and when he saw Jin bitting his lips nervously, that moment again splashed in his brain

"W-hat?" He cursed himself actually his voice for cutting

"About what happened up...I am sorry if I broke the line...I don't know why I did that but...it just happened..."

Jungkook slowly bring his hand and cupped his face "You don't have to apologize for anything..."


"Shhh" jungkook placed his finger on top of his lips to shut him up and leaned forward, he wispered in his ear "You don't need to feel sorry cause I enjoyed it a lot"

Jin blushed and pushed jungkook away who laughed out loud, he made a cute angry pout and sat in the car, jungkook who was still laughing sat in the passenger seat

Just to let you know why jungkook didn't spoke at all when they were coming down. It wasn't because he was shy or he was embarrassed

The thing is that at that moment, Tae yi came in his mind, when he was kissing seokjin...he saw Tae Yi standing there but with a small smile on her face

When he got up, she was gone... she wasn't there anymore...but he kept looking at that place

Because she was there and because he saw her there, taehyung came in his mind.

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