28 - Confuse

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A cheerful voice came from my back and I looked behind, a smile came it's way to my lips

Seeing her makes me really happy, I don't know why but...she's the medicine to my sadness...she's my remedy in everything

Taehyung looked at her and rolled his eyes "What are you doing here, pabo?"

"None of your business, dickhead! I came to meet my jungkookie not you!" She let out a 'hmph' before walking to me with a huge smile

"Than why did you called my name as soon as you came here?"

"Cause you're the first person I saw when I came here"

"That was a sarcasm"

"It wasn't"

"It was"

These two... "yah! Stop arguing!"

She looked at me and pouted "Don't you dare side wth that brat" taehyung looked at her with wide eyes

"Did you just called me a brat?"

"Yes, I did! If you don't believe me than you ask jungkook" she looked at me and winked

"It's not Tae Yi's fault, whoever you talk with, you end up arguing. Look when you talk with me, you argue with me, when you talk with Tae Yi, you argue with her so basically it's not my fault nor Tae Yi's"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and sat on the bench as he let out a 'Defeat' i and taeyi high fived with a smile on our face

"Stop you two, I am so tired of your dramas! Why don't you both date already?"

Hearing this I felt my cheeks feeling hot, like what? Am I blushing seriously?

"What are you saying, why would we date?"

I looked at Tae Yi who was embarrassed as well, does she really like me as taehyung said?

No, no probably no...

"Yah! You better stop talking this nonsense or else I'll chop your tongue"

"Do it if you can" he showed me his tongue and I was literally going to throw something but he immediately shut his mouth

"Woah! Didn't thought that you will actually come for it"

He laughed after saying this and I just rolled my eyes "Stupid"

I came back to reality from my thoughts when I heard someone calling my name, I looked at my left and saw aunt looking at me a worried expression

I immediately wiped my tears and smiled at her.

"Are you not feeling well?"

I shook my head as a 'no' "I am totally alright, don't worry"

"Is something bothering you? Why won't you tell me...maybe I can help you in some way"

"It's nothing, I was just...missing someone..."

I was standing in front of the window but the curtains were closed so she pulled it back and opened it, she then looked at me

"See...how many stars there are in the sky..."

I looked outside the window, the moon was proudly there and there were uncountable stars. I looked back at her confusingly but she just pat my back

"She must be one of them...she must know how much you're suffering and missing her...she must want you to be happy jungkook..."

Aunt really always knows what is in my mind "But she...when she left...there was nothing in her eyes other than hate for me...she was hurt aunt..."

"Why, because of a misunderstanding, right? So...I am sure the misunderstanding she left with must be away from her now...she must have forgave you already so why can't you forgive yourself? I am sure she wants you to be happy in your life for her sake...I also know you want to do all of this, wants to be an idol for her sake right?

You need to be happy, I am sure that one day...Taehyung will also understand you...he'll also forgive you...I don't know what is going on between you both these days but...you don't need to prove your innocence to anyone, if they believe you and trust you, they'll understand on their own

...there will a day when Taehyung and you will be happy like before even though it will be without Tae Yi still...you can be happy jungkook...you should be"

I looked at aunt and immediately teared up, she hugged me

"Thank you aunt...thank you for always trusting and believing in me..."

She tapped my back "Now stop having bad thoughts and enjoy the one and only life you have"

"Aunt...can I share something with you? I want you to give me a suggestion"

"Ofcourse, you can share anything with me"

I told everything that is going on between me, seokjin and taehyung. She seemed to be quite confused about the situation after all who wouldn't be?

"So indirectly you are asking me if you should your friendship which have been broken or the person you love so much?"

I nodded, not finding any words to answer her "It's quite complicated but...choosing your love isn't bad right? You love him...but you said taehyung loves him for years but what does seokjin thinks, what is his feelings? You said he likes taehyung but he believes that Taehyung doesn't like him when he do..."

"Yes...I am confused about whether I should tell seokjin that Taehyung loves him a lot or should I just keep quite..."

"Did you tried to make seokjin understand?" I nodded again and she smiled lightly "You just don't want to see taehyung sad, right?" I nodded once again "Um...I think that...if Seokjin end up loving you then it's taehyung's fault that he couldn't tell seokjin his real feelings but you did...you told him that you like him so it's up to seokjin now"

"But I feel guilty whenever I even imagine seokjin with me...I remember how taehyung used to express his love for seokjin, he used to tell me that he means the world to him...he also said that he'll die without seokjin"

"But it won't be your fault jungkook...if taehyung loves seokjin than he should try everything to be with him but... as you love him as well you should try your best as well"

I didn't said anything and she got up from bed and tapped my shoulder lightly before walking out of the room

I didn't moved even a little from my place and my head was low as seokjin's words repeated in my head

"I don't want to replace you! I want to love you! I want to love someone who would love me equally, as much as I do or maybe more!"

Then Taehyung's did

"I love seokjin so much that I am even ready to leave everything for him, he's my life, my everything and I can't live without him...I don't know if it's the same for him but I'll keep loving him no matter what cause he's the love of my life and I'll love him forever and will wait for him even if it takes 1000 years"

I don't know what to do...I am lost and don't know the way...I am stuck here...

I love both of them alot...

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