24 - Skip

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Taehyung POV:

I moved a little as I opened my eyes slowly but closed it again because of the headache I am having, Aish this head of mine hurts soo bad!

I opened my eyes finally and found myself in a very unfamiliar room, I looked at my left and still I was unable to recognize it...where am I?

I closed my eyes as I tried to remember what happened last night cause I can't remember anything right now...if I think about it...the last thing that is in my mind is...

Aish, you stupid taehyung! Why did you listened to that Jisoo? I only remember going to the club with her....I have literally lost my mind! But where am I right now?

My questions found their answers when the door of the room opened revealing jisoo with a big grin on her face, she saw me "Oh, you're awake! Good morning."

I rolled my eyes and sat up on the bed with an annoyed face "Why am I here?"

She chuckled and pulled the curtains away from the window and the sunshine hit right In my eyes so I closed them immediately and got up

"Why can you be? You were quite drunk last night and I didn't knew the address of your house so I brought you here, to my home instead" she then looked at me with a teasing smirk "You should be thankful that I didn't ran away with your car"

I rolled my eyes "As if, you need to steal it" I said this cause from the room I am currently in, it tells me clearly that she's quite rich and that's why she have this attitude in her

"Still your car is quite impressive so I first thought about doing that but then I thought you're more of a treasure"

I didn't react to her stupid ANS and stretched my arms and that's when I noticed that I wasn't wearing any shirt, like really? I am shirtless in her room!?

I looked at her- actually no I glared at her and she laughed maybe she noticed it too "Don't you worry, I didn't do anything to you. I guess you have a dirty brain mister. You took it off yourself, I did nothing"

I raised my brows at her "How can I believe you?"

"Um..." She placed her thumb and index finger on her jawline acting like she's thinking while her eyes was up "You said you were feeling very~ hot so I suggested you to take off your shirt and to my surprise you literally did and after that I just left the room and nothing else happened and if you don't want to believe me than you can imagine whatever you want"

She smirked and I rolled my eyes but when she spoke again, I glared at her "But I have to say that you look hot with that abs"

She chuckled cutely-- what cutely? What's wrong with you taehyung? Nothing's wrong with me...there's no doubt that she's cute but not my type though

Cause I can like no one other than my Seokjin-- suddenly as he came in my mind, my face saddened, a sigh let my lips

"Where's my shirt?"

She pointed at the sofa while showing me her puppy eyes and I chuckled lightly, I noticed her eyes widened and I quickly turned my face to normal and wore my shirt

"Did you just chuckled?"

"No, stop dreaming jisoo"

She jumped happily "No way! I saw you chuckled, I am sure! I know it well that you're not as cold and heartless as you act with me so drop it man"

I again rolled my eyes and ignored her words "Btw, aren't you going to university?"

She shook her head as a no "Well, you won't be going either I guess"

I raised my brows "And I why is that?"

She intertwine her fingers behind her back and walked to me with pressed lips "Because I think you have already missed your first two classes and you only have one more left"

I widened my eyes as I heard her explain "How long has It been since you're awake?"

"Um...maybe 3 hours...?"

I took a deep breath to control my anger "Than you should have woke me up! I never once In my life missed any class!"

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes "It's okay, don't get to worked up and you also need a hangover, don't you? First let's have breakfast than you can go"

I was still standing there and she came and held my arm, she dragged me out of the room

I sighed, she's so stubborn why did I get involved with her?

End of Taehyung's POV

Jungkook POV:

I am so tired of standing here for the past 15 minutes, Seokjin is going crazy because he didn't saw taehyung today

He even went to his class which he had to attend but he wasn't there as well and after every class that Seokjin have, he comes here at the door like a crazy lover

I don't understand it at all, if he loves taehyung this much than why don't he just confess to him?

"He never skips university or any of his classes...what if something bad happened to him?"

I sigh "If you care and worry this much for him than why don't you call him and ask where he is?"

He looked at me and glared "I can't! After what happened yesterday I don't have the courage to call him at all!"

I rolled my eyes "Trust me, if you'll call him he'll be happy thy you reached out to him"

"Why do you always talk about taehyung like you know him veryyyyy well?"

Cause I do "That's not about it Jin! If you like him this much that just fucking confess!" I let out in frustration

He looked at me a little shocked because of my not so Sudden outburst for me, I took a deep breath and faked a smile "okay, you can keep waiting for him here. I am going"

I turned back and started walking away and he kept calling for me but I didn't stopped and finally he ran behind me

And when I looked back, I saw taehyung and jisoo

Why is he with her again?

Jin noticed me looking behind so he was about to do the same but I did not let him "Let's go now?"

He Pouted but nodded and we both just left before taehyung could even see us

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